Talk about Hollywood animation

Alden 2022-03-25 09:01:10

In fact, there is not much to say about this well-established film. It is just the last animation worth watching this year. After watching it, people can't help but look back at the whole year, and even the things of DreamWorks and Pixar in those years. .
The slowest snail goes to the fastest car race. It seems to be a very creative point, but in fact, it is just a bad cliché that Diaosi has a dream and obtains superpowers by chance and finally creates miracles. It's just a big one. The idea is like Pixar sending the seemingly dirty mice to Paris to cook the most exquisite food, but the latter's degree of completion is too high. This is also a microcosm of the gap between DreamWorks and Pixar over the years. It should be said that both are basically impeccable at the technical level. It can be said that as long as the story is not too unreliable, the works of the two casually shot are definitely worth watching.
Everyone in Pixar's mythology has witnessed that, even if there is a slight sign of compromise by Disney's recruitment in recent years, they are generally still struggling to defeat. Among those masterpieces, some are completely superior in story ideas, such as the routines of "Wall-E" and "Monsters, Inc.", and other studios may not even think of the hair of the story. And those with the theme of truth, goodness and beauty are all out of the way of other animations in terms of details and layering. For example, it is also a dream. The old man in "Flying House" embarks on a journey with the regret of losing his wife, his aging body, and finally faces the deterioration of his idol. The process of realizing such a dream is also a journey of spiritual enlightenment, which is interspersed with The hilarious supporting roles and adventure scenes are all well decorated.
DreamWorks and Pixar have been competing with Pixar for more than ten years. If you make "The Bugs", I will make "Little Ant Hero", if you make "Monster Company", I will make "Shrek", and if you make "Under the Sea" "General Mobilization" I also came to "Shark Gang" dubbed by all-stars. Among them, there are more losses and less wins. The more successful ones are basically based on three-axes, Shrek-like anti-fairy tales, almost all the gags of the film, plus the marketing of highlight elements (such as Chinese Kung Fu), the really solid masterpiece should only be "How to Train Your Dragon" Remember" and this year's "Crazy Primitives". It should be said that the gap between the two has been narrowing in the past few years. DreamWorks has begun to appear masterpieces, and Pixar has finally got the cars2, but the actual gap is still well known to everyone. Coupled with the rise of production studios such as Lantian, the "Ice Age" series and the minions have already been on an equal footing with the big guys at the box office, but the negative effect is to set off an upsurge of selling cuteness is king, I secretly thought it was a manifestation of the regression development of animation. , of course you're fine, but I can't help it.
In general, I'm still used to the rhythm of Hollywood animation. It's comfortable, enjoyable, and I can think a little bit. It's almost all I expect from an animation, such as "Wally", a cute, touching and profound god. Do, get one is enough. As for the old palace and those Japanese animations that will never end in a lifetime, let’s just call it up from time to time when I remember childhood memories…

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  • Turbo: Are you crazy?

    Whiplash: Yeah, I'm crazy! What made you think I was sane?

  • Turbo: Snails don't have money. Or else they'll have to pay the bills. Remember?

    Whiplash: Your trash talk is needlessly complicated!

    Turbo: Is it? Or is it that your unpaid bills... are overdue?

    Whiplash: Enough talk! It's time... for action.