We all have to keep the bottom line of human nature, the softness of the heart.

Orland 2022-03-23 09:02:30

Because of "A Farewell", I began to respect Iranian director Asghar Farhadi.

In his declaration of winning the Golden Globes, he did not want the people of the world to watch the suffering of the Iranian people, but wanted to resonate with the beautiful part of human nature.

Because of his beliefs, because of his performance, I admire and yearn for him.

This time, "The Past" made me excited before I watched it.

This is still a movie that I can't bear to miss every shot, because the director, screenwriter and actors performed so attentively, one look, one action, and the character's psychology so meticulously expressed, and I didn't feel exaggerated, only Can because it is that precious---truth.

Asghar Farhadi, this venerable director, his wisdom lies in realizing his beliefs, he believes and shows the true beauty.

Many people probably think that the group of people who are influenced by religion, culture and customs, who can hold on to their beliefs in the face of interests, and the wise people who can always maintain wisdom in life, shown in "A Parting", are better than this "The Past". Indulged in desire, there is real harm, and the individual in the western society who is struggling is heavy and profound.

In fact, the seemingly beautiful soil has never been the choice of director Asghar Farhadi. Wisdom is used to capture the real beauty in the ordinary or suffering reality.

The protagonists of both films are also ordinary people who are receiving shocks.

This time, it was more specific personal desires that brought the shock.

In the face of desire, this is a film that speaks of hurt, escape and respect.

It is difficult for me to determine whether the protagonist in the film is Maria, who is struggling in marriage time and time again, or the rational but once ruthless Ahmed, or It's cowardly Samir, including childish Lucy. This time, there is no clearer who will save whom, but the story of everyone's struggle.

These characters are deceived and hurt in the face of personal interests, and you can easily see the cowardice in their hearts.

But in just a few words, in the respect and remorse when facing the object, you will be surprised that everyone has no intention to harm others, their motives are just to protect themselves, or face a kind of revenge for others' attempts to harm others . Everyone in the film is sticking to the bottom line, that is, they really can't be happy because they do evil. Even revenge itself should not bring joy to the individual.

Several times in the film,

Maria hurts Ahmed's man's self-esteem, putting him in embarrassing situations and events, but it is in Ahmed's inexplicable silence that we discover the lonely four. In the middle of the year, Maria felt the hurt.

Lucy's malice towards her mother Maria and her act of indictment of adultery, she finally did not choose to escape, but only brought her tears and remorse. And her departure is just hoping to have a kind mother and father, she can't ignore hurt and deceit.

Nader pretended to be Samir's wife and gave Lucy an email address, which may have caused Samir's wife's madness. Faced with Samir's rants, Nader's tears and explanations still paled, but her final accusation and insistent distance. Go, let Samir also have to face his mistakes with remorse.

The most cowardly may be Samir. He lied to his wife, escaped his guilt, and blamed others, but in the end, he chose to face it.

Everyone can be said to be vulnerable, facing the temptation of desire, they all want to sink, facing the condemnation of conscience, they all want to escape, but in the face of real harm, in front of their last chance, they all choose In the face, even if the result is tears and remorse, in fact everyone just wants to protect themselves, in the light. This is hope.

Sometimes, we are too concerned about the hurt that has happened, and instead of thinking about how to alleviate the pain, we are obsessed with how to increase the pain of others. At the end of the film, Samir's wife's response seems to give Samir a chance to be forgiven. I don't know how many people would not be ashamed of this hope for Samir. But in fact, the real hope is this, do not escape, to face, sincere remorse and tears, we should choose to forgive.

Everyone likes "A Farewell" more, because in a chaotic world, religion and heroes seem to be more transparent, but I think "The Past" is a step forward, representing the director's further thinking on hope, in the tangled and contradictory situations of ordinary people. In life, the real fire of hope is hidden in their hearts. Religion is written by people, and wise men and heroes are also performed by people. Therefore, a more real hope is that we will not be picky about individuals.

If we are still only attached to regions and nations, History and institutions, and even the influence of culture and religion, can never reveal the origin of morality.

Man, you are so keen to watch heroes and wise men, you don't know how to be content with yourself.

In addition, there are many details in the film that are very meaningful, such as the attitude of the two men to the gift, the relatively silent eyes and the revealing emotions, the smile of Lucy when she saw the children playing through the window of the room, almost every related The characters are shot with heart, so watching a two-hour, ten-minute film like this, you can tell it's complex and rich. It's really fun and warm.

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The Past quotes

  • Lucie: Do you know why she fell in love with that jerk? Because he looked like you.

  • Fouad: Why don't they separate her from medical instruments?

    Samir: Because they don't know if she wants to live with them or die.

    Fouad: She wants to die.

    Samir: Why do you say that?

    Fouad: She wants to die. That's why she committed suicide!