group violence

Osbaldo 2022-03-25 09:01:15

The ending is heart-wrenching. I want to change my jack and choose to die in the face of group violence. Maybe many of us feel that we should forgive jack and try to help him integrate into society, but can we really do it?
When I was studying, there were always a group of "bad boys" who were domineering, bullying the weak, and even being minors to harm the world. I, who have been jealous of evil since I was a child, always gritted my teeth when facing these things or people, and I wanted to peel them off. Think about it, if one day these "scumbags" appear around, and they have changed their ways, can they really forgive them? I think many people are still on guard against them, and their faces have been deeply stamped with "bad people". brand. When you know that this person has robbed, seriously hurt others, etc., do you really dare to accept it, or even fall in love with him? It's hard to imagine, although some brave people can accept it. So the idea of ​​a group creates greater violence, making a person worse and more marginalized.
This film obviously raises the question of how to deal with such a "boy", and not every such boy is so handsome. If they had received the warmth of society and the care of their parents since childhood, we would not have created such demons. To put it simply, in the face of interests and desires, most people are willing to be slaves. We completely ignore what is family and what is Contentment, what is education, what is beauty, what is wealth, what is happiness, what is conscience, what is responsibility, what is morality, mass violence incidents emerge one after another, we lose our humanity if we lose our standards, everyone thinks your grades are low, you You shouldn't get more education, you make less money, you are not qualified to talk about happiness, you have no status, you have little work, you don't have to take it seriously, as long as I am happy, there is no need to talk about ethics or regulations, everyone pursues a fast pace, the more effective the better , and our fragile soul is in need of long-term good nourishment.
As a father for the first time, I feel sorry for my children. I am very sad to see the deaths of babies due to very simple reasons. These "devils" of infanticide are all born out of mass violence, and we are all guilty.

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Boy A quotes

  • Michelle: [showing her breasts posing for Jack's photograph] What?

    Jack Burridge: [laughing] You're fucking nuts. Carry on. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

  • Michelle: [about Jack's local hero news in the paper] Hey hero! Look what I've got!

    Jack Burridge: [embarrassed] Horrible, horrible.