"Song of the Road", Arp's trilogy, 1955

Rosalia 2022-03-23 09:02:48

Indian films are good at musical themes. No matter what class the protagonist belongs to, what the living environment is, or what the story is, they can’t resist the singing and dancing of the actors. This also shows the Indian people’s survival philosophy of being at ease and optimistic. However, "Song of the Road" does not use the method of musical drama, but tells the story of Apu from birth to the small village where his ancestral home is located through a bland narrative method.
India has always been very clear about the division of classes, and Apu and her sister, who were born in a poor pastor's family, are always slandered and ridiculed by others. But the child is always a carefree representative, even if the mother keeps saying that the poor family can only eat rice, it will not affect Apu's good mood while eating and playing. The development of the story throughout the film has continued almost in a bland way, but the viewing process is not boring. The mother's dissatisfaction with the poor life in reality, the father's tolerance and generosity, and the aunt's easygoing, each character's character is very distinctive. Under such poor living conditions, the father was always optimistic, but when the conditions were corrected, the house collapsed and the daughter died. Such changes prompted the father to change the status quo. The family had already left when the ancestral house turned into a rat's nest, at dawn. This means that despite the darkness ahead, we are still moving forward on the path of hope. The end of the film becomes a new beginning. The three people on the ox cart showed unease on their faces, but they also had a little anticipation. This ending gives the audience endless imagination.
The director had no experience in making this film, including the camera, soundtrack and even the actors were rookies. Even the filming equipment was loaned out. But it is such a rookie army who completed such an excellent film, which shows that their future success is not a fluke. Compared with the current situation where bad movies are emerging in an endless stream with sophisticated equipment, excellent teams, and huge financial support, what filmmakers lack is probably the most basic thinking and love for movies.

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Pather Panchali quotes

  • Indir Thakrun: Can't an old woman have wishes too?

  • Sarbojaya Ray: Durga. Durga, go see where the calf went.