movie trailer ruined movie

Tamara 2022-03-23 09:02:05

I watched the trailer of this movie several times before watching other cartoons. At the time, I thought it was stupid enough and not new, so I didn't plan to watch it. In addition, the posters and other promotions of the film were very general, which made me really not want to watch the film at first.

But watching a movie is the same as getting to know people, and it all depends on fate. This movie happened to be in the gap period when I didn't have any new movies to watch, so I went to watch it.

After reading it, it feels very good, not ordinary. The animation has some basic elements, the main line is smooth, the plot is funny, and the production is well-made. It's a pity that I don't know which marketing team created it, ruining a good movie.

First of all, the poster of this film is very old-fashioned, making people have no desire to watch it. (Many of this year's Waterloo films have this problem.) I think the poster should be simple and powerful. The snail's original shell will emit blue light, Beijing should be a contrasting color, and white is very good. If I were to do it, I would put the protagonist enlarged in the center, next to the snails with different characteristics, and add a funny and old-fashioned brother on the top of the poster. Or make the poster into the wall of a glass to create the feeling of a snail sliding inside. The current posters are a bit confusing, not "cool" at all.

The promotional film is another problem. At the time, I felt that the plot was very old-fashioned, the characters in the story were not beautiful, and there was nothing to see. Despite all these issues, overall, the movie is still pretty good.

In addition, the character setting is not beautiful, and the feeling is mixed. But it's still pretty good put together, and the granny at the end is so bright.

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Turbo quotes

  • Turbo: Are you crazy?

    Whiplash: Yeah, I'm crazy! What made you think I was sane?

  • Turbo: Snails don't have money. Or else they'll have to pay the bills. Remember?

    Whiplash: Your trash talk is needlessly complicated!

    Turbo: Is it? Or is it that your unpaid bills... are overdue?

    Whiplash: Enough talk! It's time... for action.