We are all crazy in love

Miles 2022-03-24 09:03:09

Here is a different Tolstoy. Unlike his impression of our saint, he also has joys, sorrows and sorrows, which is contrary to the fact that the world has broken with his wife. He loves his wife so deeply that people cry. .
Their love is so simple, even separate from life. In the face of the revolution, they were enemies, and even wished to kill each other; but in love, they were indeed the love of each other's lives, and they could no longer live without each other. They are immersed in love, even in their twilight years, they are still children, frolicking and laughing. It's a pity that love doesn't exist alone, so they quarrel for life and roar for revolution, and they don't have a trace of peace in their lives. The wife can understand all his words, and has the most perfect interpretation, like the phrase "the best state is when someone understands your desire to say something", and she understands, really understands it, but in that turbulent era , It is really difficult for them to face everyone with the same philosophy with a huge gap in their life backgrounds. But in fact, this is also the love of his wife, but it is a kind of selfish love. If you want to monopolize all his love, how can we say that a selfish love is wrong?
Even though their love was crazy, every day political scolding, and not a day of peaceful life, so that Tolstoy had to run away from home, he still called her by name before he died. A most unforgettable love, a love that never diminishes, a love that grows day by day,

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The Last Station quotes

  • Sofya Tolstaya: Oh, Leovochka, why do you insist on dressing like that?

    Leo Tolstoy: What do you mean, like what?

    Sofya Tolstaya: Like a man who looks after the sheep!

    Leo Tolstoy: It wasn't meant to offend you.

    Sofya Tolstaya: You're a count, for God's sake!

  • Leo Tolstoy: Despite good cause for it, I have never stopped loving you.

    Sofya Tolstaya: Of course.

    Leo Tolstoy: But God knows you don't make it easy!

    Sofya Tolstaya: Why should it be easy? I am the work of your life, you are the work of mine. That's what love is!