Wonderful in limited space

Cleve 2022-04-23 07:02:27

I don't like spoilers for others, so I won't do too much spoilers here. The film focuses on a lesser-known profession—the operator of a 911 call—and thus unfolds a thrilling and compact story. Just looking at the film's intro, I found it quite new and engaging, and it's a good testament to its charm when I went through the heart-pounding 95 minutes that followed.
It is worth noting that the filming scene of the whole film is relatively limited. Except for the hive-like workplace of the protagonist Halle Berry, the main scene is the other protagonist, Abby Bethlin. (Abigail • Breslin) Trapped car trunk. In such a limited space, it is definitely a big test for the actor's acting skills. And it turns out that the actors did not disappoint the audience.
Needless to say, Halle Berry, as an old Hollywood actor, won the title of Oscar winner by no means for nothing. Especially in recent years, the sexiness of "Bond Girl" has faded, and her acting has long been trending towards the power faction. This can be seen from her appearance in this movie: afro head, work clothes, absolutely convincing, She is just an office worker who is working diligently. And the most important part of the role she faced this time was the helpless struggle in her heart. When you watch this movie, it is absolutely impossible for you not to be shocked by Harry Berry's pair of fright. Convinced by her eyes, she was even more attracted by her self-possessed look, and couldn't wait to know the follow-up development of the situation.
Of course, it would be too monotonous if it was just a one-man show by Halle Berry, and Abby Bethlin, a child actress, also performed well in the film. The first time I met this little girl was in "Sister's Guardian". At that time, she was eye-catching. Although she appeared precocious, she was still childish, and she had a timidity that belonged to a child. But now she has made great progress in every aspect. When she dials 911 and starts babbling into the phone, you even get the urge to punch her awake and yell at her: Calm down!
Let's talk about the movie itself. Overall, although it feels a little small, the effect it presents is quite good. The overall feeling of the film can't help but remind me of the equally excellent film "A Line of Voice" two years ago. Its style is quite similar to it, the plot is compact, and the plots are interlocking. The most important thing is that there are two heavyweight actors in the town, and the appeal of the box office should not be underestimated. In addition, I have to mention that the ending of the movie is like "The Chainsaw". It is said that the director of the film, Brad Anderson (Brad Anderson) has also tried to shoot some similar horror thrillers in the past, so this is considered a ...a homage to a horror movie? ?
Well, to sum up, this movie will never disappoint, it's worth watching!

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Extended Reading

The Call quotes

  • Jordan Turner: Casey, what's happening?

  • [repeated line]

    Michael Foster: It's already done!