Divine Will in the Mist

Chet 2022-06-27 20:10:49

This is a film adapted from a novel, depicting the mythological history of King Arthur from the perspective of a woman. My biggest feeling from the movie is that human beings are powerless in their pursuit of God, lost in the mist of Aphalon, but God has always existed in everyone's heart, looking at every sentient being in the mist, Maybe it's only human beings who are wrong. There is no doubt that many characters in this film have gone to a tragic ending, and have been injured in the confrontation with fate, which is very sad.

Arthur: Arthur's fate was initially entrusted to him like the sons of many emperors, and he shoulders the responsibility of making the dynasty prosper, defending against foreign invasion, and contacting Aphalon at the same time. The young prince was sent to the suburbs to hone in, his thin body gradually grew over time, and grew into a heroic, just and brave king who took over from his old father. He is deeply loved by the people, and he seems to have made no mistakes in his life, which is a glorious image. After finally learning that Mordry was the son of himself and his sister, he seemed to be cowardly for a while under the ridicule of fate. The brave Arthur finally died in the arms of his beloved sister after seeing Aphalon.
Vivienne: Vivienne didn't seem to understand until the end that it was her own power that might not be the will of the goddess. He destroyed his sister's family and made her other sister unhappy. Her rigidity made her go too far. She used her own magic in a tragic way, and in the end, God abandoned her faithful, and finally died tragically under the sword of his sister. She did not understand the last language of Merlin's death. God exists around us, and the pursuit of her own happiness is also the way for God to develop. This devout priestess laid the groundwork for all the tragedies.
Anne Lancelot: Lancelot is a knight. He perfectly shows the image of a loyal knight, but he can only choose to face his lover through the fog in the feudal era and endure the torment of love in a long time. , Arthur is very open at this point, but he will not make this relationship public. The rule of the kingdom requires the decisiveness and abandonment of the king. Annie feels that she is the biggest victim of this film. She is young and beautiful, but she cannot get a child under the curse of her aunt, and finally chooses to spend the rest of her life under the repentance of God. She has no other way to choose, and she cannot get it in the deep boudoir. The son's queen is so terrified, because their confidence exists in another royal family, and there is incense to pass on.
Morgan: Morgan's fate is bumpy. It seems that the gods are against her at every turning point in her life. She can't see the smiling faces of the gods behind the fog. She had incest with her younger brother, married the father of the person she loved deeply, and her own son fought with her father. Afalong became the only sustenance in her heart. The simple sacrificial life on the other side of the sea attracted her, but the ending of mythology Not perfect, Avalon eventually disappeared into the mists unnoticed, and Morgan believed that the Goddess still existed elsewhere, waiting for her followers to return. The real gods should not bring us hope through their own efforts, and the fate of the oppressed Morgan is equally sad.

The film revolves around the mysterious Aphalon, a misty wonderland with powerful priestesses who apparently misinterpret the goddess' will. These acts encourage murder, encourage despotism, and the inevitable tragedy will arise. We have seen how medieval Christianity was distorted by the church, and God is perhaps the last of all to see the church become a dark organization exploiting all levels of society.
In what form will the distant divine will reside in our lives, Annie said in the film that "maybe we are all too small to understand the will of God", and fate ruthlessly leaves wounds in life. Maybe we can't grasp anything, we can only do what we can do as much as we can. The people below the tragedy hide behind the glory of God in sorrow, and the sorrowful bells are still telling this ancient legend about the goddess. and the stories of those priestesses.

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The Mists of Avalon quotes

  • Igraine: But I'm married to the Duke of Cornwall, I've borne him a child! I will not betray him! I gave him my vows!

    Viviane: You gave them first to Avalon.

  • Viviane: No man or woman can live another's fate.