The king of bad movies, Andy Lau

Mustafa 2022-03-24 09:01:57

Regardless of the ranking, the entire "Dark Flower" is a typical two-hero mode movie from the content of the movie. In general, Liu Qingyun is the male number one, because Liu Qingyun is the mastermind behind the scenes, that is, the ultimate big BOSS. At the beginning, he played Liang Chaowei. Running around, manipulating this "chess game" in prison. The most important reason for saying that Liu Qingyun is the male lead is that Liu Liang and Liu Liang have an average role in their roles, both of them are equally brilliant, and their acting skills are top-notch, so there is no comparison in these three aspects, but because Liu Qingyun is dominant in the main line of the movie and is the ultimate BOSS, and Liu Qingyun ranked first, so there is no doubt that Liu Qingyun is the male lead of "Dark Flower"! It is estimated that someone has to talk about fake posters and DVD pirated covers again! At the beginning of 1998 and the previous films, it is difficult to find official posters, including a "Central Hero" co-starred by Andy Lau and Tony Leung, and there is no poster, and because Tony Leung's fame has increased greatly after Infernal Affairs, Liu Qingyun is ranked in the remake DVD. Liu Qingyun is also normal in front! But even the subtitle ranking of the remade DVD is Liu Qingyun first! I think this is the greatest movie of Liu Qingyun's acting career. Not only is the performance peaked, but the key is to suppress the top one of the top eight superstars in Hong Kong. For Liu Qingyun, it is absolutely impossible to suppress others in the rankings in the future...

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House of Flying Daggers quotes

  • Leo: [reaches for dagger in back]

    Yee: Do not pull this dagger out. I'm sending you back to keep spying for us. You will be more convincing with a dagger in your back.

  • Mei: To be free like the wind.