exposing me to information and ideas...

Daphney 2022-03-23 09:02:16

In Inception, each protagonist has a prop he carries with him to distinguish whether he is dreaming or awake. We don't have such magical props, so we don't know where we are.
An unknown person had a dream in which he talked to different people and woke up from one dream to another. Both reality and self-substance become elusive. And memories, thoughts, and feelings become more accessible.

------------The following is excerpted from Baidu Encyclopedia--------------

Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, the code of "Zhuangzi · Qiwu Lun", is the main representative of the Taoist school in the Warring States Period Zhuangzi Institute A philosophical proposition presented. In it, Zhuangzi uses romantic imagination and wonderful writing to describe and discuss the events in which the dream turns into a butterfly and the butterfly turns into oneself after waking up. materialized point of view. Although the story is extremely short, it has become the representative of Zhuangzi's poetic philosophy because it penetrates the essence of Zhuangzi's poetic philosophy. Also because it contains romantic thoughts and emotions and rich philosophical reflections on life, it has aroused the resonance of many literati and poets in later generations, and it has become a topic they often chant, and the most famous is Li Shangyin's words "Zhuang Shengxiao dreamed of butterflies, and hoped for the emperor's spring heart. The Rhododendron".

In the past, Zhuang Zhou dreamed of being a butterfly, a lifelike butterfly. Self-proclaimed suitable ambition and! I do not know Zhou also. Suddenly feel, then Ququ Ran Zhou also. I don't know that Zhou Zhimeng is a butterfly and? Butterfly Dream is Zhou Yu? Zhou and Butterfly must be divided. This is called materialization. ("Zhuangzi: Equality of Things")
"Zhuang Zhou's Dream of Butterfly" is also known as "Zhou Gong's Dream of Butterfly" and "Zhuang Shengxiao Dream".
①Yu: Passing "pleasure", happy
②Zhizhi: In line with one's mind, happy mood.
③ sleep (jué): wake up.
④ Qu (qú): Qu, the original meaning is the appearance of surprise, here is the appearance of surprise and emotion.
⑤ points: distinguish, distinguish.
⑥ Materialization: the change of the thing itself. The meaning here is that all external things will merge with themselves, that is, all things will eventually become one, which means that the Dao sometimes turns into Zhuang Zhou, and sometimes turns into a butterfly.
In the past, Zhuang Zhou dreamed that he became a butterfly, a very vivid butterfly, how pleasant and comfortable he felt! He didn't know that he was originally Zhuang Zhou. Suddenly I woke up, and in a panic, I realized that it was Zhuang Zhou. I don't know if it was Zhuang Zhou's dream that he became a butterfly, or did the butterfly dream that he became Zhuang Zhou? There must be a difference between Zhuang Zhou and Butterfly. This can be called the crop, my intercourse and change.
In his dream, Zhuangzi turned into a lifelike butterfly. He forgot that he was a human being, and only after waking up did he realize that he was still Zhuangzi. It is really difficult to tell whether it was Zhuangzi who became a butterfly in a dream or a butterfly who became Zhuangzi in a dream. Afterwards, "Zhuang Zhou Meng Butterfly, Zhuang Zhou Hua Butterfly, Butterfly Transformed Zhuang Sheng, Butterfly (Hu) Butterfly Dream, Butterfly Dream, Dream Butterfly (Hu) Butterfly, Dream Nymph Butterfly, Dream Butterfly, Transform Butterfly, Butterfly Transform, Transform Butterfly, Butterfly Zhuang Zhou, Zhuang Zhou Butterfly (Hu) Butterfly, Butterfly and Zhou, Butterfly is Zhou, Zhou Weidie, Lacquer Garden Butterfly, Nanhua Butterfly, Zhuang Die, Zhuang Sheng Die, Zhuang Old Butterfly, Pillow Butterfly, Butterfly Into the Pillow, Zhuang Zhou Dream , Zhuang old man's dream, Zhuang dream, 囧姧 dream, 囧姧姧, 圧姧, 姧姧姧, 莧姧姧, 姧姧姧姧, butterfly 蘧蘧" and so on to write the state of fantasy, sleep and border; also used to write butterfly.

[Zhuang Zhou Mengdie] Huang Tingjian's poem "Silent Living Pavilion": "Zhuang Zhou dreams of Hu Die, but Hu Die doesn't know Zhuang Zhou. He was born at random, and the rapid water does not flow." Like Zhuang Zhou, a butterfly in a dream, the world of flowers at the bottom of the flower." The fourth book of Wang Shifu's "The Story of the West Chamber": "I was shocked by the trembling bamboo shadows walking dragons and snakes, and Zhuang Zhou dreaming of butterflies."
[Zhuang Zhouhua Butterfly] Huang Tingjian's "Second Rhythm Stone Seventy-two Seven" No. 6: "Looking at Zhuang Zhou withered, turned into Hu Die Xuan Qing."
[Die Hua Zhuang Sheng] Bai Juyi's "Second Dreams of Doubt" No. 2: "The deer suspects the end of Zheng Xiang. Difficult to distinguish, but Diehua and Zhuangsheng know it."
[Butterfly (Hu) Butterfly Dream] Cui Tu's poem "Spring Evening": "Hu Die's dream is a thousand miles away, and Ziguizhi is on the third watch in the last month." Wen Tingjun "Huaqing Palace and Dushe People" ": "The cuckoo's soul hates Shu, and the Hu Die dream is sad." Fan Chengda's poem "Viewing the Snow in the Cold Night": "Poor Butterfly Dreams, Flirting with
Beetles and Bookworms." The second of four poems of Lin Quan by Master Xuan: "There are butterflies that can be dreamed, but no sheep can touch the vassal." Cui Tu's poem "Night View of Jinling": "Through the ages, the dream of a butterfly is lost, and a round of wind and rain belongs to a fishing boat." Chen Renjie " Qinyuanchun·Farewell to Jun Dingyin with the previous rhyme: "Six generations of bees nest, seven sages dreaming of butterflies, seduce guests with sorrow like wine."
[Dream Butterfly (Hu) Butterfly] Li Shangyin's "Seventy-two rhymes of Occasionally Turning into a Rhyme and Giving Four Together Houses": "After you have made great achievements in battle, you will count the articles, pity me in the dream of butterflies in Qiuzhai." Wei Zhuang's poem "Spring Day": "Traveling with dreams in chaos Butterflies are scattered, and the cuckoos fly away from the soul." The second part of Huang Tingjian's "Ancient Style Times Rhyme Answers to Chuhe Fu's Two Songs": "A Taoist with forty hearts is like water, and his dreams are maddened by butterflies.
" "Han Ba ​​Commentary" poem: "I have dreamed a few times and lost the butterfly, and the article should solve the sorrow of prison." Liu Jian's poem "Jiang Lou Wang Xiangxiang Sent Nei": "The dream soul can only follow the butterfly, and the smoke wave has no plan to learn the mandarin duck. [
Dream Butterfly] Li Jia's "Chunhe Du Xianggong Changxing's new house is a matter of Yuan Xianggong": "Mengdie stayed in a clear mat and sat on a red yarn." Lu You's poem "Dispatching Xing": "I heard all the screams and the spring wants to go." , I was shocked back to the dream of the butterfly and woke up drunk." Ma Zhiyuan's "Night Boat: Autumn Thoughts" song: "A hundred years of time is like a dream butterfly, and it is worth looking back on the past."
[Huadie] One of the poems of Lu You's "My Years Passing Eighty": "Butterfly has crippled dreams, but Jiao Tong has no appreciation." The words of Xin Qiji's "Lanling King: The Night of August 20th at the End of Ji": "Thinking about the world, only the butterfly in the dream."
[Butterfly] Xie Zongke The poem "Sleeping Swallow": "The golden house grows with the butterfly, and the carved beam spring is afraid of the warbler."
[Butterfly] One of Lu You's "Sleeping" poems: "But to dissolve the shake and turn the butterfly, you don't need to be rich and honored."
[Butterfly Zhuang Zhou] Lu You's poem in "The Book of Porridge Food in the Morning After Illness": "Zhou Zhuang is in the Butterfly Zhuang, and the masters chat and borrow it as a mockery."
[Zhuang Zhou Butterfly (Hu) Die] Huang Tingjian's "Fried Tea": "If you don't travel to the Huaxu after Xuan, you will turn into the Hu Die of Zhuang Zhou." Lu You's poem "Winter Night": "A cup of poppy barbarian slave offering, Zhuang Zhou's butterflies are both empty."
[Butterfly and Zhou] Li Qunyu's "Half Drunk" poem : "I gradually realized that my body is not me, and I am lost in Butterfly and Zhou."
[Butterfly is Zhou] Zhao Yi's poem "Xinji Walking with the People of Xingchuan": "The sound is in the trees and the bird's surname is Du, and the butterfly at the bottom of the flower is Zhou. "
[Zhou Weidie] Xiao Gang's poem "Ten Empty, Like a Dream": "Unknown Zhou is a butterfly, An Zhiren is a fish."
[Lacquer Garden Butterfly] Li Shangyin's "Chen Li Shangshu Kai for White Work": "The Lacquer Garden The butterfly, indiscriminately enters the dream of Zhuangzhou; the lice in the bamboo forest will always be scattered in the middle."
[Nanhua Butterfly] Wu Rong's poem "Apricot Blossom": "I would like to be a Nanhua butterfly and walk around this thread."
[Zhuangdie] Li Shangyin's poem "A Night in Autumn": "When the pillow is cold, the butterfly is gone, and the window is cold and the firefly is sold out." Liu Jian's poem "Sleep in the Day": "Flying Zhuangdie on the pillow, Ren Er Yun Cheng Lu Long." Lu Zhao's "Hunan Guan Shuangzhe Branch Dance": "The hat is shining with the snake, breaking the dew of the chili orchid; turning over the Zhuang butterfly, flirting with the wind of hunting Hui.
" Zhuang Shengdie, who knows Huizi fish."
[Zhuang Sodie] Qian Qi's poem "Spring Night in Hengmen": "Send a message to Zhuang Sodie, and you are innocent."
[Pillow Butterfly] Liu Yuxi "Looking at the director's review and thinking about returning home." Shi Yin is gifted with a poem": "The pillow is drunk and sleeps like a butterfly, and I hold the qin and watch to send Guihong." Huang Jiong's poem "Zi Ji": "The sweet pillow is a butterfly, and the kitchen is tired of roasting cattle.
" Pillow] Lu You's poem "Lian Xi's Sleeping Play Book": "Butterflies enter the pillow at three shifts, and turtles are eight-footed beds. When you are dazed, don't laugh, and the difference is drunk and you are a hometown.
" The green worm also learned from Zhuang Zhou's dream and turned into a butterfly flying in the South Garden."
[Zhuang Old Dream] Wu Rong's poem "Red and White Mudan": "Looking at the long-term wish to become a Zhuang Old dream, but leaving Xu Qian Lu Yangge."
[Zhuang Meng] Li In the poem "Yao Duan's ancestors in late spring": "When the dream of Zhuang is broken, the lamp is about to burn, and the spirit of Shu is awake at the beginning of the wine." Qingjiang's poem "The Eighteen Brothers of Shangdu Rewards Zhang": "The butterfly becomes the dream of the village, and the person is pregnant. Know the virtuous people."
[莧姧 Dream] Su Shi's "Second Rhyme Answers Elements": "The ququn is not necessarily a dream, and only when you know it will you be disappointed." Mingfa also kissed the geese and geese."
[Mengququ] Su Shi's poem "Visit Huiqin Huisi Two Monks in La-ri Visiting Gushan": "I travel indifferently and happily, and when I arrive home, it is like a dream."
[Mengqu] Zhao Yi's "
Manxing " poem No. 3: "Insect Geng Yongshu's autumn sound is cold, and the butterfly goes to Zhuang Shengxiao to make a dream." Doubtful village."
[Xu Xu Que] Fan Chengda's "Three Poems of Xiao Pillow" Part 2: "I heard that barefoot snoring is a pleasure, Xu Xu Xu Xu."
[莧姧 Xuxu] Fan Chengda's "Second Rhyme Time Narration" "Mr. Fu Le's New Residence": "It is indistinguishable from the various dreams, who do you know?"
[Butterfly] Lu You's "The Poverty in the New Year": "The bottom of the stream is full of Miao Yuyu, and I chat with butterflies in my dreams." And the poem "September 1st is not yet known": "Sit for a long time and pass on the chicken repeatedly. Ooh, the dream is still a butterfly."[6]

Related viewpoints
In 1641 AD, the famous Western philosopher Descartes wrote "Meditations on Metaphysics" or "Méditations sur la philosophie première; en :Meditations on First Philosophy) expounded a similar point of view, he believed that people perceive the world through consciousness, everything in the world is indirectly perceived, so the external world may be real or false. This argument is an important premise of skepticism.
It reads as follows: "Until now, I have received from the senses or through the senses what I have accepted as the truest and most reliable. However, I sometimes feel that these senses are deceitful; For the sake of it, never fully trust what has deceived us.
But while the senses sometimes deceive us in things that are not obvious and distant, there may be many other things, though we know them through the senses , and there is no reason to doubt them: like here I am, sitting by the fire, in my indoor robe, with this piece of paper in both hands, and things like that.
How can I deny that these two hands and this body belong Mine, unless perhaps I'm compared to those lunatics whose brains are so disturbed and obscured by the blackness of bile that they often think themselves kings, though they are poor; red and gold; or they fantasize that they are pots, jars, or that their bodies are made of glass. But what the hell, those are some lunatics, and if I were to compare with them, I would be no less absurd They are.
Nevertheless, I have to take into account here that I am human, and thus I have a habit of sleeping and doing in my dreams exactly the same, and sometimes more absurd, things that lunatics do when they are awake. How many times at night have I dreamed that I was in this place, clothed, by the fire, even though I was naked under my bed! I really thought I wasn't looking at this paper with my sleeping eyes, and my shaking head wasn't dizzy, I stretched out this hand deliberately and consciously, I felt this hand, and it appeared in my dream The situation here doesn't seem so clear, nor so clear. However, when I think about it, I remember that I have often been deceived by such illusions in my sleep. Thinking of this, I can't help but astonished, almost astonished, to see that there is no definite indelible mark, nor any fairly reliable sign from which one can clearly distinguish waking from sleep. To be able to make me believe that I am sleeping. "(Descartes, "Meditations on the First Philosophy, The First Meditation")

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  • Kim Krizan: Creation seems to come out of imperfection. It seems to come out of a striving and a frustration and this is where I think language came from. I mean, it came from our desire to transcend our isolation and have some sort of connection with one another. And it had to be easy when it was just simple survival. Like you know, "water." We came up with a sound for that. Or saber tooth tiger right behind you. We came up with a sound for that. But when it gets really interesting I think is when we use that same system of symbols to communicate all the abstract and intangible things that we're experiencing. What is like... frustration? Or what is anger or love? When I say love, the sound comes out of my mouth and it hits the other person's ear, travels through this byzantine conduit in their brain through their memories of love or lack of love, and they register what I'm saying and they say yes, they understand. But how do I know they understand? Because words are inert. They're just symbols. They're dead, you know? And so much of our experience is intangible. So much of what we perceive cannot be expressed. It's unspeakable. And yet you know, when we communicate with one another and we feel that we have connected and we think that we're understood I think we have a feeling of almost spiritual communion. And that feeling might be transient, but I think it's what we live for.

  • Man on TV: I do not await the future, anticipating salvation, absolution, not even enlightenment through process. I subscribe to the premise that this flawed perfection is sufficient and complete, in every single ineffable moment.