I'll fight to the death for the rest of my life

Imelda 2022-03-24 09:03:15

The film is straight to the point, and the narrative seems loose, but it always runs through the theme: the world of adults is shown through the perspective of children, and the complexities of adults are even more selfish and ugly through the reflection of children's eyes. But fortunately, the child always exists like an angel, and fortunately there are kind stepparents and stepmothers... But can it be reflected in real life? There are a few more children who are as lucky as Mech...

When I was a child, my parents used to fight a lot. It can be said that my childhood was spent in three days of small quarrels and five days of large quarrels. Many times I closed the door and cried secretly, and fell asleep while crying; sometimes I was woken up by the quarrel in the middle of the night... But I am still very grateful to them, because no matter how noisy they are, they still love me and surpass everything no matter how noisy they are, they have never beat me, they will attend every parent-teacher meeting of mine and do things I like with me; no matter how noisy they are, they will never be separated...

Now I am already a human being Father, with a decent job and a daughter who loves to run around and bully cats every now and then. I am so grateful to have seen this movie at this time, it taught me how precious everything I have is: I can wake up every morning by my daughter jumping into bed for filming, holding her little hand and sending her to daycare, to the company Do the job you like, go to kindergarten after work to greet her with open arms, share your favorite food together, take her everywhere to play from time to time, experience every change in her... When you are used to having everything, you tend to ignore the beauty and beauty of them. It's hard to come by, so when I feel that life is getting dull, I see such a movie, it wakes me up that I already have too much happiness, many of which may not be owned by others in their lifetime...

Because I understand, So cherish it.

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What Maisie Knew quotes

  • Margo: I'm sorry I got mad at him. He must think I'm awful.

    Maisie: Mommy gets mad at him all the time.

  • Lincoln: I was bitten by a turtle once.

    Margo: Were you really?

    Lincoln: Yeah... yeah. It even left a scar if you...

    Margo: Rea... really?

    Lincoln: [shows Margo his bitten finger] It could've left a scar.

    [Margo laughs]

    Lincoln: It's that bad. It could've left a scar.

    Margo: Right, yeah. So, is it quite traumatic for you being back here with the turtles?

    Lincoln: [interrupting] It was. This is kinda like therapy for me.

    Margo: Oh! It is? Okay.

    Lincoln: Meeting the beast again.

    [Margo laughs]