identification of life

Noah 2022-04-22 07:01:32

After watching this video, I knew I had to leave some thoughts behind.
The film starts from an old man. The story takes place in Italy. The classical house and European-style furniture make people feel noble and elegant. The protagonist is an appraisal expert, specializing in the appraisal of antiques, especially paintings. From the beginning of the film, sharp words, firm conclusions and firm body language, just from the performance of the actors, you can make a wonderful comment. The old man's name is Oldman. At the beginning of the film, Oldman's professionalism and his loneliness formed a considerable contrast. The white house, exquisite furniture, and elegant floors all set off Oldman's professionalism and extreme aesthetics. Value, he often sits silently in his collection room and admires the collections he has exhausted all his life - without exception, all portraits of women, when you marvel at the priceless paintings, you may already have a question mark in your heart : Oldman's life and loneliness.
Of course, this film is classified as thriller and romance when it is classified, maybe I am surprised how to watch this film with a good review under the premise of a wonderful combination of the two, but in the first ten minutes I haven't found the answer, but the surprise this film brought me is far more than that. The perfect walk into the truth makes people always have questions, but you always can't guess what will happen in the next second. Always surprise. Perhaps just like the famous paintings collected by Oldman, the whole film is also a work of art, which is worthy of aftertaste.
Details show Oldman's professionalism and the status and pride he enjoys in this industry. But life can always bring surprises. One day he received a mysterious phone call, which happened to be his birthday. The call came from a girl who wanted to sell her property and entrusted Oldman to identify the value of her property. Oldman answered the call but did not reveal her identity, so he accepted the invitation to check. But the girl broke the appointment and let this old man with aristocratic arrogance soaked in the rain downstairs of her house for 40 minutes. Back at the company, Oldman lost his temper, but the girl called, apologized for various reasons and asked him to meet again for evaluation. Out of curiosity, Oldman agreed, but the next day, when he arrived at the girl's house, he still didn't see the girl. Instead, a servant who claimed to be Claire's house came. With sullen, Oldman entered the girl's house. It is a big old house, ancient and mysterious. Under the leadership of the servant, Oldman probably browsed the entire house. When he reached the basement, a strange and incomplete mechanical part caught Oldman's attention and took it back. He took the part to a well-known mechanic he knew, Robert, and they concluded that it was a part of a very old talking robot, and both were interested. to complete this robot. So Oldman collected scattered machine parts in the old house. But one day, when collecting the collection of the girl, the girl suddenly called and made Oldman feel that the girl was in this room. Of course, the mystery of the girl made Oldman put down his arrogance until one day, he found the girl In fact, it was in the dark room of the old house. Through chat, Oldman learned that the girl has outdoor phobia. . . An outdoor portrait of a girl claiming to be her mother piqued Oldman's interest in the girl's appearance. So he frequently appeared in the old house, not only talking about business, collecting parts scattered by robots, but also interested in girls. From Oldman's eyes on Robert's sweet relationship with his girlfriend, Oldman's yearning and fear for love can be seen. Finally one day, Oldman secretly hid under the statue without the girl's consent, and witnessed the girl's true face. The girl's beauty surprised and fell in love with Oldman. Finally, he missed the clue in the peeping. Under the statue, the girl's ketone body disturbed Oldman's nerves. The mobile phone slipped from his hand and exposed himself. The girl screamed and Oldman ran out of the old house, but Oldman still confessed the fact that the stranger was him. But the girl accepts him. Oldman began to walk into her life, buying her dinner, flowers, and clothes, trying to get her out of the pain and out of the old house. However, one day the girl disappeared, Oldman was restless, he worked with his heart, and made a low-level mistake in his work, and the girl was finally found in the attic. The last accidental robbery made Claire walk out of the old house, and Oldman fell in a pool of blood, so Claire had to go out of the old house to rescue Oldman. Eventually, the girl comes out of the shadows, falls in love with Oldman, makes love, and visits Oldman's lifelong collection, just as Oldman enjoys it all and understands to love, which is when the audience thinks it's going to be a When the perfect love story, the accident will come quietly. When Oldman was about to leave the appraisal world, completed the last auction, and came back to Italy to see Claire, but no one was there. The staff said that she was picked up by Robert, but when Oldman walked into his collection room, he saw The scene even gave the audience a shudder. All the paintings were completely gone, and the walls were left with gray marks from age and Claire's old books and completed robots. Oldman could barely stand. When Oldman walked into the finished robot, the switch flipped, and the robot repeated: There's always some madness that obscures the falsehood, and I couldn't agree more, goodbye, Mr. Oldman. Afterwards, Oldman returned to the old house, only to find that the door was closed. Oldman discovers that he has Robert's locating device in his car. Through the mouth of the real Claire in the small shop, she learned that the house was rented by her to the film company. Oldman, who knew the truth, was expressionless. The film ends with Oldman's lonely day and night in a cafe in Prague mentioned by the girl.
It was disappointing to finally know that the whole thing was just a hoax. But is life not like this? Oldman can easily identify the authenticity of cultural relics, but ultimately he can't identify the authenticity of emotions. The movie once took care of it in the middle. One of Oldman's friends asked him: Paintings can be faked, but emotions can't?
Another highlight of this film is the portrayal of the characters and the acting skills of the protagonist. It vividly portrays the images of the characters, and vividly expresses Oldman's loneliness, arrogance, longing, fear, anger and joy. The protagonist gives a sense of elegance and perfection at the beginning of the film, but in the subsequent performances, he shows Oldman's shortcomings, arrogance, and vulnerability to feelings. A perfect portrayal should be like this, close to life, so that the characters have zero distance from the audience.

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The Best Offer quotes

  • Claire: I'm not in the habit of speaking to people very much.

    Virgil Oldman: Believe me, that's considerable stroke of good fortune. Talking to people is extremely perilous. However, it was you who made the call, so you're running the risk.

  • Robert: [his voice through the robot] There is always something authentic concealed in every forgery. I couldn't agree more. That's why I'll miss you, Mr. Oldman.