Che Guevara, the growth of revolutionary ideas

Rickey 2022-03-24 09:01:55

Che Guevara really kept his promise. His girlfriend gave him money and said that if he went to the United States to buy her a swimsuit, he would not need the money to see a doctor if he was seriously ill. Later, his girlfriend wrote to him and dumped him. The two of them didn't bring money with them when they went out, hey, so reckless. Che Guevara really loves to tell the truth, saying that the doctor is really unsightly except for his wife's favorite novels. And the wife of the owner of the car repair shop wanted to have an affair but was chased by a group of people. The car had not been repaired and the brakes had not been repaired. When avoiding the cattle, the fall was bad enough. Fat Albert is very sleek and very colorful.
Che Guevara has asthma. It seems that the disease is very uncomfortable. From time to time, it is difficult to breathe. He spent his 24th birthday on the last day of the leprosy hospital. He swam across the other side at night, knowing the difficulty and doing it with courage and perseverance. The and Albert then separated in Columbia, only to meet again eight years later. In 1960, Albert was invited to work in Cuba, which was issued by the commander-in-chief of Che Guevara. Che Guevara later moved to Congo and Bolivia for his ideals. After his arrest, he was killed in October 1967. It is generally believed that the incident was behind the scenes of the CIA. Grando stayed in Cuba and established the San Diego School of Medicine
. His dream was to build a united South America including Mexico, which was a great dream because they were of the same race. If someone builds a united East Asia in the future, of course in a peaceful way, there will be less disputes.

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The Motorcycle Diaries quotes

  • Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: [voiceover] The goal: to explore a continent we had only known in books.

  • Alberto Granado: We land on the Guajira Peninsula. The tip of a great continent. Bellies full of wine and two tropical beauties, hopefully sisters.

    Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: That's good beer, huh?