00:33:08:Dr. Dorian, it's ridiculous, isn't it?
00:33:11:To think that animals can actually talk?
00:33:15:l don't know. Maybe an animal said|something to me and l didn't hear it
00:33:18:because l wasn't paying attention.
00:33:21:Maybe children are just better listeners|than we are.
00:33:27:Well, it worries me to no end.
00:33:29:What's got you worried is that her only|friends are pigs, sheep, geese and rats.
00:33:34:Well, not rats.
00 :33:38:-Does she look well?|-Yes.
00:33:40:Appetite's good?
00:33:43:-Does she sleep well at night?|-Yes.
00:33:45:l mean, she's right as rain in that way.
00:33:47:Well, there is a name for her condition
00:33:52:lt's called a childhood phase .
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