Rhythm! Rhythm! Still the rhythm! ! .... I'm tired of stretched rubber bands, just give me the ending of a policeman catching a thief!

Laurianne 2022-04-22 06:01:01

A movie a day during vacation: Yesterday's "Outside the Pine Forest" gave me a lot of surprises, today's "911" didn't bring me any surprises; everything was rotten as expected...until ENDING.. . Brad Anderson, you might as well give me a GD-style HX for cops and thieves!
When I commented on Songlinwai yesterday, when I talked about the standard of a good movie, I felt that there were so many things to say at the time, and I had a feeling that Mr. Li said: "Tao can be Tao, very Tao"; I just grabbed RULE.NO.1: There are a few hilarious images.

Today I suddenly remembered a line that I seemed to have heard before—the lifeblood of a good movie—
rhythm! Rhythm! Still the rhythm! !

The rhythm of a good movie is like a symphony: the beginning, the turning, the climax and the trough are scattered; the worst is like the POP MUSIC of the Beatles, which will never let you touch the next note.

It is said that Brad Anderson's "The Mechanic" is still good, but I felt that I couldn't watch it at the time. I understand today, it's bad, that is. Festival. . . play. .

The whole film is like an aging cow tendon that is about to break, but has no choice but to hold on. At the end, I finally got tired of myself, and it was so silent... It broke softly. .

One last word: Black Pearl, you are the one who ruined the Oscar the most.
You could have been better. .

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Extended Reading

The Call quotes

  • Jordan Turner: Casey, what's happening?

  • [repeated line]

    Michael Foster: It's already done!