Every child who goes astray must have a sad past

Scot 2022-12-07 08:46:45

This is a warm movie. The most loving moment is when the boy Cyril rides with the hairdresser Samantha. This is also the scene on the movie poster. The two of them have completely trusted. Not to mention Samantha's love for Cyril, which pulled Cyril back from the wrong path.
As a child grows, the concept of rules is gradually established. In the process of establishing rules, they can do anything to achieve a goal. For adults, this is the period of rebellion, because we don't know what their goals are, and naturally we can't understand their behavior. Just like Cyril's search for a bicycle in the film, he inquired about in order to see his father, and robbed his father for money to be with his father, in order to achieve his goal, he did not take any other person's consolation to heart at all.
In this rebellious stage of the child, it is the best solution to discover the goal that the child needs to achieve and help him achieve this goal by legal means. achieve, and lead him to pursue a new goal.
In their pursuit of their goals, they need to be made aware of this rule, and when they find that they can achieve their goals through illegal means without punishment, or that the pain of punishment is less than the joy of reaching their goals, they may to the abyss.
Many misguided children have teenage lives with family conflicts that leave their spiritual needs unmet, and they begin to use whatever means they can think of to gain the attention of their loved ones. When you can't achieve your goals, you may choose to get the attention of others or paralyze your own mind.

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The Kid with a Bike quotes

  • Guy Catoul: It's too much. I can't look after him.

  • Wes: May I call you Pitbull?