could have been better

Delphine 2022-03-25 09:01:12

The visual is still gorgeous and likes ~ click 10,000 likes.

The story is a bit bloody. Order 10,000 dog blood.

The episode of amnesia, dear, inexplicably regained my memory, dear!

Aunt is here to make soy sauce, okay?

The uncle sitting in the office suddenly became a high-end scientist, dear!

It doesn't mean that a person has only a little antimatter, so where did the latter come from!

Auntie finished roaring.

As an old lady who is interested in sci-fi movies, she actually wants to see what the upside-down world is like. Although it satisfies the curiosity, it is really puzzling. Why can you climb so high above the upper world by yourself? Not hypoxia? Since there is such a place, what is your expensive middle ground? Do not understand, ten thousand do not understand.

I ca n't help but want to roar again...

In short, just take a look for the gorgeous vision, otherwise, forget it (Wangtian~~)

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Extended Reading

Upside Down quotes

  • Adam: Up-top, they always win, And down-below, we always fail.

  • Bob Boruchowitz: We're 90 percent water, right? So I've combined upper and lower inversion with a hyper infusion, yeah? Yeah.