The villain rebels against fate and takes the world in another direction

Lesly 2022-03-24 09:01:41

The whole story is like this, scientists invented omnipotent robots, which were controlled by careerists and destroyed the world with omnipotent robots, but the robots were not controlled, and they destroyed the human world, and then destroyed all other robots, leaving only the scientific man. The nine small robots invented have low combat effectiveness and will not pose any threat to the omnipotent robot.
The omnipotent robot rebelled against humans, and the act of destroying other robots was likely the act of scientists, who made software modifications to the robots.
The 9 small robots are for the purpose of allowing the omnipotent robot to absorb the soul, re-engineer the world, and return to the original order. At this time, if it is to be completed, it cannot be completed by software alone. It must have a certain AI ability, that is, it must Absorbing part of the soul of a scientist, 9 robots represent one aspect of a scientist's personality, then the omnipotent robot can absorb 9 robots to complete a perfect personality, and can control itself to complete the transformation of the world. Therefore, the most perfect plan The ending should be the omnipotent robot's absorption of 9 people, but because of the instinctive resistance of several robots, the omnipotent robot was destroyed instead, making the plan impossible to implement. . . . I don't know if it's a tragedy or a comedy. . . . . . . . .
The robot dog is a supplementary means for scientists to complete the plan, but this result was not expected. . . .
In addition, the destruction of the robot by No. 9 in the end is really speechless. No. 1 is arbitrary, No. 7 is brave, and No. 4 is a nerd. . . This is better than a scientist's plan. . . Number 9 is the source of selfishness and hypocrisy.

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Extended Reading


  • 9: Why do you listen to 1?

    5: A group must have a leader.

    9: But what if he's wrong?

  • [last lines]

    7: What happens next?

    9: I'm not sure. But this world is ours now. It's what we make of it.