
Isidro 2022-11-04 09:36:31

Based on the best-selling suspense novel in the Netherlands. Set in Rotterdam in the 1920s, it describes a lifelong battle between an illegitimate son and his ruthless biological father, which ends with a mysterious murder.
A young lawyer is arrested after the assassination of a revered county lord, the lawyer claims innocence, but a gripping story unfolds when the police discover that the deceased is his father...
Kada Zhuofu is the illegitimate son of the nephew and Yoba, the illegitimate son of the princess. With the help of an unexplained loan, Kadazov started his business in the tobacco shop, which also brought disaster. When he went bankrupt, he found that his biological father had been supporting him, and a confrontation between father and son was inevitable.
Due to bankruptcy, he had to deal with the law firm, and suffered from no success, so he decided to become a lawyer. No matter how hard Qatar tried, he still could not achieve his goal, and the dream of bankruptcy could not go away, and gradually he found that it was a hindrance. It was actually his father, he was very puzzled by this, and gradually developed hatred for his always respected father. Due to the entanglement of emotional personality, the two started a war without a winner, and both sides suffered. In the end, there are only the embers of love and hatred caused by personality disputes...
From the scenery, art, to the costumes of the characters, to the theme of "Fatherslaughter", the beauty of classicism is everywhere. The narrative technique is also very old-fashioned: the ending, the flashback, and the ending again.
The core of the film is the antagonistic relationship between father and son. The father is often the object of the child's most awe, wanting not only his dependence, but also his father's approval, and even challenging the patriarchal power. The complex emotional entanglement has always been a major material for movies. The two sides have not recognized each other for many years, do not understand each other, hurt each other but also need each other. The father and son here are more like a pair of enemies. Maybe they don't know it themselves. In fact, behind the hatred is an unspeakable love. If he lost the other party, he would become meaningless. If it wasn't for the father, the son would not have struggled so hard to achieve the status he is today. Without the son, the father finally chose to commit suicide.
The film won the 70th (1997) Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

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Character quotes

  • Joba: Why don't you leave our boy in peace?

    Dreverhaven: I'll strangle him for nine-tenths, and the last tenth will make him strong.

  • Joba: Well, Jacob Willem, then you've been a big ass.