
Thora 2022-03-23 09:03:10

What do we do when we feel that death is coming? A literature professor gave her own answer in the last moments of her life: accept it because it won't help, fear will make us more miserable and accept it death will no longer accept this short sleep we will have eternal life
but Is that really the only way? Are we really forced to accept when our lives are going to disappear forever? We are not reconciled can we do something? The predecessors gave us some answers, such as freezing our own bodies for future generations of science and technology? For example, believing in God, Buddha, and Taishang Laojun in order to seek eternal life, reincarnation, and immortality? For example, collect seven dragon balls in the hope that the dragon will make us immortal? There are many answers but what is the correct one?
Waiting for or creating it before there is no final answer is all we can do

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Wit quotes

  • Vivian Bearing: After all, brevity is the soul of wit.

  • Vivian Bearing: I trust this will have a soporific effect.

    Susie Monahan: I don't know about that, but it sure does make you sleepy.

    Vivian Bearing: [laughing]

    Susie Monahan: What's so funny? What? What?

    Vivian Bearing: [laughing] Soporific means "makes you sleepy".