Love at second sight is the most perfect

Karl 2022-03-23 09:01:56

Originally, I clicked on the page of this movie with the idea of ​​laughing while watching a light comedy. However, in fact, most of the plots do not have a strong humorous effect, but the healing index is indeed very high, which is worthy of careful aftertaste. The heroine's love fairy tale is not only because of good luck, but also because of her kindness. If it were me, I would have saved the male lead, but in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, I would definitely draw a clear line with his family. Lucy's ordinaryness reminds me of myself, and it is estimated that many girls will do the same. Even if I am ordinary, without the applause of rich and handsome boyfriends and flowers, I still have to use all my strength to live. Ordinary I also have noble dreams and a heart to love bravely. Instead of chasing a bright appearance, it is better to settle your heart and quietly wait for the test of life.
About love, love at first sight mostly lacks long-term running-in, and it is difficult to maintain the original feeling as always. The long-lasting love makes people puzzled, whether it is because of true love, or just accustomed to the existence of that person. The power of loneliness is enough to create the illusion of love. The most perfect love is the jerky feeling when you first meet, and it turns into a lasting heartbeat when you meet for the second time. No matter how familiar you become in the future, the feeling of love at second sight is still the same as yesterday.

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While You Were Sleeping quotes

  • Jerry: [at Celeste's party. Jack went along with Lucy, and was mistaken for Peter] Peter?

    Lucy: I gotta talk to you.

    Jerry: Geez, he looks good.

    Lucy: That's not Peter. That's Jack.

    Jerry: Uh, who's Jack again?

    Lucy: Peter's brother.

    Jerry: Peter's the guy that's in a coma.

    Lucy: Yeah.

    Jerry: So then why did you bring Jack?

    Lucy: I didn't bring Jack. He followed me here.

    Jerry: So Jack's the fiancé?

    Lucy: No, Peter.

    Jerry: Peter doesn't even know you exist.

    Lucy: I know.

    Jerry: So Jack is Peter?

    Lucy: Yeah.

    Jerry: Lucy!

    Lucy: Yeah?

    Jerry: They have doctors for this kind of thing!

  • Lucy: Hi. So, more questions?

    Jack: No, I have an engagement present for you.

    Lucy: Uh, you really shouldn't have.

    Jack: I didn't. It's from my parents.

    Lucy: Oh.

    Jack: It's furniture. You want me to bring it up? Hey, was that Saul I saw leaving?

    [there is a thud in the background. Joe Jr. is trying something on in Lucy's closet]

    Jack: What's that?

    Lucy: [lying] Cat.

    Jack: [suspicious] Big cat.

    Lucy: Um, I th - I think y - I think you should, um, bring it to, uh, t - bring it to Peter's apartment.

    Jack: You don't know what it is.

    Lucy: Well, you know, anything would look nicer in Peter's apartment.

    [there is a thud again from Lucy's closet]

    Lucy: You know what? I'll come with you.

    Joe Jr.: [as Lucy closes the door, Joe Jr. is heard falling down in the closet] Ooh!