Moonlight and Desire

Jalyn 2022-03-23 09:02:12

"Everyone has a wolf in his heart", that wolf is called desire, which is the innate instinct of human beings. The story is as follows: under the sultry moonlight aphrodisiac, a group of fierce wolves leave the gate, and a series of comedies occur.
Desires are often reckless without reckoning with the consequences. so? Extinguish human desires? naïve! Life should be about crying when you want to cry, laughing when you want to laugh, coming and going as you want, and in the world. Transitionally restrained, life seems to be boring. Therefore, the balance between rationality and emotion can achieve long-term happiness.

Q: Why do men pursue women?
Answer: The Bible says that God took a rib from a man to create a woman~ So a man pursues a woman in order to ask for a part of himself. In other words, without a woman, a man will not Complete
comment: Rapeflower

Q: why men want more than one woman
Answer: It is because they fear death
Comment: A life without freshness is like a pool of stagnant water.

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Moonstruck quotes

  • Cosmo Castorini: Birds fly to the stars - I guess...

  • Mona: You have such a head for knowing!