Tenderness and sweetness I would like to remember

Tianna 2022-03-23 09:02:43

It's a good movie, simple and true.

The fourteen-year-old gap is really a big age gap for an ordinary couple, not to mention the big one is the woman. Don't want to talk about the trivial storylines of the hero and heroine, I just want to say something hypocritical because I'm a bitch.

This relationship will definitely be the best part of their respective lives. The man finds himself through the woman, finds the direction of life, and slowly learns to be a mature man. The woman gradually healed the trauma caused by the failed marriage through the man, found another spring, and redefined her own understanding of love. Two reborn people go through different levels hand in hand, as if each other is the only one who can understand and see through themselves, I think, every audience hopes from the bottom of their hearts that they can come together at the end of the story, but as long as the audience is not A naive child will understand that that kind of ending can only be filmed by a mainland director.

Age, religion, work, etc. are all reasons why they can't come together, of course, if it were in real life, the reasons would not be so simple. But the director was kind enough to give us a simple and beautiful story. The hero and heroine both let go or try to let go of this relationship. The heroine thinks rationally about the frictions and conflicts in the future, and the hero also knows his future path. It was still very long, so I listened to the advice of the heroine and chose to give up. The last glance at each other and a smile drew the most perfect ending to the relationship between the two. They did not force or blame others, but they still quietly loved each other.

It is not easy to meet the right person at the right age. When I was fifteen or sixteen years old, I fell in love with someone who was maybe fifteen years older than me. Silently reciting "I was born before you, I am old when I was born. You hate me for being born late, I hate you for being born early." This kind of sentence expresses my deep sorrow, but looking back now, the relationship is simply Good enough to rival eating delicious food (forgive me for being a foodie). I thought that for a while after we separated, I still loved that person, and I felt pain at the time, but time healed me all at once, and I didn’t feel anything after that, but I missed the dull pain in my heart at that time. (Tell me, I'm not a masochist==) Of course I'm still very fortunate that I had such a mature mind when I was young.

People's memories or feelings are all small boxes, and each box contains some people, some things, a few tears and a few laughter. We will close some boxes tightly and seal them up so that no one else can touch them, so that we are about to forget them; we will often open and look at some boxes, recall them quietly or share them with friends. Some people open it and see the wounds he unintentionally brought you back then, while others see the hands that he silently wiped away your tears back then.

I have made you happy, and you have made me crazy; you are already in my heart, no need to ask who to remember.

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