Run, boy. Fly, girl.

Elza 2022-12-19 21:51:08

The world has been at peace, but the history of war will never be forgotten. When children with missing arms and legs appeared in the camera, especially the child who was holding the child with his body and the child who "run" fast with a cane, of course, and the satellite that was damaged by the mine. What kind of kids are those. Those broken arms and young legs seemed to be in front of us, and then rustled down like tears...
and that girl, the girl who was abused. And the kid, the kid with the eye problem. The girl finally chose to give up, gave up the child, and gave up on herself. At the end of the film, when the satellite was looking for the girl in the war-torn village, he saw that girl, and there were countless girls. Dressed in red, with his back to himself, his back to reality. Then he stayed still, but still seemed to be dancing.
Bless it, to the child. Bless it, to the children of war.

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  • Agrin: teach them math and science!

    Satellite: they know math and science. they have to learn how to shoot now!