The epic of an ancient nation, the struggle of the people at the bottom

Eliza 2022-04-16 08:01:01

As soon as human beings came to the world, they carried their original sin. They fell, were redeemed, made a covenant, and then fell again, and then made a new redemption.

In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were expelled against God's will, Cain killed Abel, and human beings tended to sink in spiritual virtue. God punished with a monstrous flood, and instructed Noah to build an ark to be saved, to Abraham, the founder of the Jewish nation, with whom God made the first covenant, including:
1. God's promise to Abraham, promising that his descendants would be "extremely numerous", promising He and his descendants were given "all the land of Canaan" to be "an inheritance forever", promising that "all the nations of the earth will be blessed through him."
2. The "evidence of the covenant," which is circumcision. "All you males shall be circumcised." "This is the evidence of my covenant with you." This evidence shows, "My covenant is established in your flesh for an everlasting covenant."

People were tempted by greed to sink again. Sodom, Gomorrah, depravity, fornication, were punished by the catastrophe, until they entered Egypt and became slaves for 400 years. After the Jewish nation came out of Egypt, God made a second covenant with them through Moses as a mediator (mediator). This covenant was made on Mount Sinai and included:
1. God continued to see the Jewish nation as his chosen people.
2. Commandments, ordinances, ordinances.
3. Only by obeying these laws can we truly belong to God and truly be God's chosen people.

An atheist is completely incapable of understanding the biblical story in terms of religious belief. Why do God's chosen people fall and fall again and again? Why does Almighty God see the wrong person and choose the wrong person? Why can't human beings be prevented or prevented from making mistakes or even crimes in advance, instead of putting them in the abyss of evil and punishing them? Samson was destroyed by femininity, Saul was defeated by jealousy, and David was even worse, taking his wife and killing people. In fact, all of this is due to human nature and has nothing to do with God.

God has repeatedly afflicted his elect, perhaps as a test of their loyalty. This troubled nation finally fell into Babylonian prison after many years of exodus because they did not listen to the advice of the prophet Jeremiah. Therefore, "Phoenix Nirvana" will never die, relying on faith and miracles. Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, burned the Jews who refused to submit, and the body in the fire was intact; the king of Persia threw Daniel to feed the lion, and the lion did nothing to him; Maria was pregnant without a husband and gave birth to Jesus. …everything is saved by miracles, which typically reflects the aspirations of the powerless and underprivileged. Apart from relying on mysterious and incomparably powerful external forces, they have absolutely no ability to save themselves.

Episode 6 begins the story of the New Testament. The activities of Jesus are almost the same as those of the revolutionaries we are familiar with. They secretly formed parties, mobilized the masses, and revolted and resisted. They were repeatedly suppressed, defeated and fought again and again. Jesus is almost the leader of the revolutionary party and the spiritual leader of the bottom people.

Jesus originally borrowed no name. John the Baptist had a wide range of influence among the people, and the upper class of the Jews was dominated by the Pharisees, who were opposed to the rule of the Romans. Jesus still relied on miracles to enter the political arena. He declared: "The Son of Man has authority to forgive sins." , the leper is cured as before, a few small fish and a few pieces of bread can be turned into countless to relieve the hunger of thousands of followers. The disciples of Jesus said: Jesus did not come for good people, but for sinners. The Pharisees strictly obeyed the Mosaic Law, and regarded tax collectors, prostitutes, etc. as thieves, and Jesus accused the Pharisees of being hypocritical. Jesus' strategy was clearly motivated by the need for a political struggle to wrest leadership of the populace from the Pharisees on the one hand, and to build the broadest possible united front against the Roman rulers on the other. Jesus was a great success.

The miracles created by Jesus may have been based on real events, but they are nonsense after all. The political struggle he led was ultimately uncompeted due to the disparity of power and the betrayal of Judas. However, as a thought giant in the Axial Age, Jesus left a precious spiritual legacy for mankind -
fairness and justice, sympathy for the suffering of the people at the bottom, and safeguarding their interests;
kindness and tolerance, and inquiring about the sinful people, since people People are not pure and innocent, so they should not be harshly punished;
Non-violence, he said, "the use of force is not the solution";
respect for spiritual values, nothing tangible can be immortal, only the spirit will last forever.

The thought of Jesus and the ideal of Jesus are out of reach. Even the Christianity he founded is constantly inflicted by internal conflicts and foreign invasions. It has never stopped, and it has never really tolerated it.

Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's

Do you see all these great buildings? Not one stone of this place, not one stone, will be left standing. Do you see all these great buildings
? There is not a single stone here that will not be broken down in the future.

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  • Oda 2022-04-21 09:03:53

    American films have a wide range of subjects; History Channel's educational blockbusters, indeed, know the origin of pass over; I have forgotten all the Bibles I read when I was a child; Pharaoh's eye makeup is well done, hahaha!

  • Wilford 2022-04-19 09:03:20

    Re-experience the wonderful guidance of God~