"Océans" - I'm afraid I'll never see you again

Katrine 2022-11-20 21:04:02

I randomly searched for French movies on Youku with my mobile phone and found "Ocean". It seems to be a documentary, I am not very interested, but I still download it to pass the time. I figured that if it weren't for learning French, I wouldn't have opened a film that, in my opinion, would have been so boring. And now I think it's thanks to my French that I came across such a good film, even if I mention French, I always burst into tears. This film describes the ocean and some of the creatures in it. Similar to the plot of the animal world, but there is no narration. Some are just waving sea water, sea creatures swimming around, the sound of sea waving and faint background music. It's a movie that will make you sleepy when you watch it, so I watched it for more than a week, took advantage of a few boring Maoist lessons, and finally watched the whole movie on the school bus back home on the weekend, and my eyes Very moist. I was born and grew up by the sea since I was a child. I can imagine my fascination and dependence on the sea. I like to stand on the beach and look at the sea and the sky, that kind of boundless feeling, the blue-like color brings me peace, I love blue. The strongest feeling of watching this movie is: blue, blue, blue everywhere! When I hold up my 5-inch mobile phone screen, I feel like I'm being sucked into the blue ocean. Just imagine, what if the screen is 3D or a giant screen in a movie theater? There must be a feeling of being swallowed by the blue sea and being there. I can only imagine the shocking feeling. I remember watching a TV show, probably a documentary, about all kinds of strange creatures on the earth, and then focusing on marine life, because they are the most amazing creations of nature. I saw some creatures I had never seen before, and I knew this was just the tip of the ocean, and the mysteries of the ocean will never end. The film "Ocean" is very beautiful, quiet and beautiful. The sound of the sea flowing quietly, the piano is also set off like flowing water, and all kinds of marine creatures swim around, the beauty and shock that nature brings to you is really indescribable in words. The greatness of nature will bring you to tears. One of my favorite pictures is the seals playing on the beach and basking in the sun. They look lazily, flipping their clumsy bodies in the water, burping loudly when they are comfortable, with black pea-like eyes and a small beard. With a swipe, I hit the cute point in an instant. The first half of the movie is almost all background music and pictures of the ocean, presenting the audience with a wonderful underwater world. Then the picture turned to the museum, a little boy and an old man. They were looking at specimens of extinct creatures, which were so well preserved that they looked like they were alive. I still have those creatures I haven't seen it before, and the boy is also full of curiosity. The old man tells the child about these creatures and takes him to the aquarium. Now we can only see them in museums and aquariums, he said. Seeing this, I suddenly felt a little sad. I have seen the sea countless times, from the room, in the campus, in the park, the shadow of the sea is everywhere. Dalian, surrounded by the sea on three sides, has always surrounded my life with the sea. Even if I travel, I always go to seaside cities. It seems that I am familiar with the sea, but in fact, it is not. I have only seen its beautiful shadow on a sunny day, or the occasional foggy gray, and I have never dived in the sea, so I don't know what the real ocean looks like. I was curious, but dared not search. All I know about the underwater world is from TV. As for the underwater creatures, they are all seen in the aquarium, just like the boy in the film. The most shocking aquarium I have ever seen is Shopping in Dubai Mall, an aquarium that is said to be the largest and most complete variety of marine life in the world. Several floors high, very shocking, blue ocean, all kinds of strange fish swimming around. At that time, I looked up at the aquarium, and when I got tired, I rested in the chair next to it. I watched it for three or four hours without getting tired. I'm curious how they can stay together and live without the big fish eating the little ones, and also, I want them to be free. Back to movies. After the museum, the picture turns back to the ocean, which is still boundless blue sea water, with underwater creatures swimming around. Suddenly fishing nets appeared, sharks got trapped, humans caught sharks, got them on boats, cut off their fins and threw the injured sharks back into the sea like garbage. Shark looks sad, I don't know, maybe it's because I'm sad. Watching the shark fall back into the sea, it can no longer swim freely, but falls back into the sea stiffly, a river of blood flows, and the blue sea turns into a sea of ​​blood. At that moment, I feel that the red is so dazzling. I'm angry, I want to cry, but I don't have the face to cry, because I'm also a part of sinful human beings. I suddenly remembered an email that went viral on the Internet a few years ago. The content of the email was to call on everyone to forward and protect animals. The content is that Finnish men of 18 years old will go to the Baltic Sea in summer to hunt dolphins to prove their adulthood. Every summer, hordes of boys in black leotards go out to hunt in the sea, and the entire Baltic Sea is red with blood. The boys dragged the injured body of the dolphin and took pictures with victory gestures. Their smiles were so bright, it seemed that they had really become heroes. But I looked at the silently wailing dolphin, with tears streaming down my face, crying to the point of sobbing. But I know I can't do anything. The camera suddenly rises from the bottom of the sea, overlooking mountains, lakes, and fairyland-like scenery. Refreshing. Then there is the sea ship moving forward in the storm. Facing the powerful nature, human beings fight with their own wisdom. Exciting. Then there's the rubbish from the river, the polluted sea, and the lone figure of the seal in the dirty water. Heartbreaking. At the end of the movie, the screen turns to the South Pole and the North Pole, the last two pieces of paradise in the world that humans have no way of touching. A world of pure white is fascinating. The narrator said that he believes that human wisdom will one day set foot here, and he hopes that human beings will start to reflect from now on and stop harming the world. It is still too late. Otherwise, we will never see the beauty of this world again. On that day, only human beings will be left on the earth. The last paragraph of the film: "This is the South Pole, the white and holy place, where the animals live the same way as before. The North Pole is the same, a hidden place home, which is also a holy place. Barely, it still maintains a look...not being touched by human beings everywhere. In the near future, with global warming and the opening of shipping routes, there will be many merchant ships coming here. What did the animals do then? In order to protect their lives, they wailed in grief, but humans could not hear them. In the future, the creatures we can see will only exist in the fence of the zoo and in the tank of the aquarium. What to do by then? Abundant nature has become a long-standing dream in the past. In the universe within the reach of human beings, only the earth can breed life, and there is no other planet that can be replaced. All life should live together here, so that there is hope. The diversity of species is also essential to our future. It's too late to wake up now. In millions of years, nature has suffered many hardships, believe it firmly. the power of nature. "In the film, there are shots of the recording crew and the sharks in harmony, harmonious and comfortable. It is said that those animals were not afraid of humans in the early days. Later, they were killed and began to fear humans and stay away from humans. Gradually, the wonderful beauty of this world was scared away by us. If all we bring is harm and destruction, then I'd rather have never seen this beautiful world. Then they'll be safe. There's nothing more inhuman than human beings. Nothing is more inhuman than humans. It's lonely. A bean friend wrote this movie review: "After watching it, I deeply hope that 2012 will come soon, everyone will die together, and the rest of the creatures can live well. " 2013 arrived safely, human beings did not die, and the earth did not perish. But I believe that if human beings still use their wisdom to satisfy their greed without restraint, the earth will perish. I know that I will not live that day, but I do not I hope my children and grandchildren will experience the so-called "doomsday". This film is a collaboration between French directors Jacques Crusoe and Jacques Behan. The filming took five years and cost 50 million euros, involving 12 film crews, 70 ships, more than 100 species were filmed in 50 filming locations around the world, and more than 500 hours of underwater world and ocean-related material, which is the largest investment documentary in history. The boy and the old man in the film are directed by Jacques Behan and His son. What the film wants to express here is the sense of inheritance of the emotions of nature. Jacques Behan represents the old generation, they have experienced many things, and the new generation does not know anything, there is a kind of generation The meaning passed down from generation to generation. After watching the film, I knew that only the French can make such a documentary that does not seek commercial returns but only for humanitarianism and love. I hope that one day my motherland can do such a good deed. Thank you for showing me this film In such a beautiful world. Finally, the full narration of the movie is attached: "One day, a child who saw the sea for the first time said to me that this is the sea? What is the sea? I don't know how to answer the question, what is the ocean? How should I answer this question? It took millions of years for marine creatures to multiply and grow. However, in the short history of development, we humans have destroyed the unshakable balance of nature. However, to the sea that is close by, it is as mysterious as the Milky Way. Even in a drop of water, there are planets and asteroids. There are life breaths there. Since a long time ago, there have been many inhabitants in the sea. They swim in the sea. These wild animals have become Living in groups in the age of great voyages The sea is boundless and there are all kinds of creatures. Ships ride the wind and waves on the seas of the world, constantly discovering the mystery of the sea, and I learned the unimaginable before... The richness of the sea The sea at that time It is still a territory that no one has ever set foot in. The creatures of the sea shared this homeland. At that time, it was their exclusive product. On the far side of the sea, people discovered a new world. Many unknown species entered people's field of vision and opened a new era in nature. Page In the depths of this night, there is a kingdom that we can't imagine exists. This is the bottom of the sea. This is the grassland on the bottom of the sea. Such a tranquil scene. This animal seems to be It's terrestrial... like herbivores, there are a lot of subtle relationships between them for survival predators look scary on the outside, but sometimes predators become protectors, and the presence of small fish is crucial to them They're looking for new territory and can't miss any chance. No matter what happens and happens to be blessed by a storm, on a flotsam that falls from the coast to the sea, unexpectedly rides a little life. It's about to start its journey. It can only be Wandering in the wind and waves on the vast sea, you may reach a new coast... Start a new life? Every time the seasons change, there will be large-scale migrations. Many animals swim freely in the vast sea. Wherever they want to swim, they never stop. The pioneers of the sea are constantly looking for new sea areas. The mysterious endowment of the sea In order to survive, many animals had to travel thousands of kilometers in search of food. They went extinct like a great ocean migration. Extinct and extinct tell Your children, there are many extinct species in the world that they don't know about. This is this, and it took them millions of years to evolve and they went extinct in just a few decades. How many species have gone extinct in total? How many are now at risk of extinction... in danger? Will the extinction continue forever? It is because of human indifference that species have gone extinct. Now we have an obligation to protect these lives. Human beings continue to explore the secrets of the sea from different angles, both in awe and to understand that dreams have finally come true. We can walk on the bottom of the sea, except There is a fascinating world beyond the world of mythology. The investigation and study of the sea is only at the beginning stage. In the story of the sea, any kind of small life is indispensable. The study begins from then on. This is a huge world without gravity. The sea creatures swam around gently and gracefully. They didn't notice the presence of human beings. When a typhoon comes, people will work together to overcome difficulties. Can't we join hands to protect the sea...? Sputnik orbiting the earth helps people to monitor the earth and it tells us a lot of things such as the traumatized earth and polluted rivers flow to the sea they keep pouring into the sea like blood It is the wisdom of human beings that has polluted the sea. This is the pure white and holy place of Antarctica. The way of life of animals is the same as before. The North Pole is also a hidden home. It is also a holy place. A pair of... It looks like it has not been touched by humans. In the near future, with global warming and the opening of shipping routes, many merchant ships will sail here. What will the animals do then? They cry out in grief to protect their lives, but humans can't hear the creatures that we will see in the future only in zoo fences and aquarium tanks. What should we do then? Abundant nature has become a long-standing dream in the past. In the universe within the reach of human beings, only the earth can breed life. There is no other planet that can be replaced. All life should live together here. Only then can there be hope for the diversity of species to us. It is also necessary for the future of the world. It is still too late to wake up and believe in the power of nature after millions of years of suffering." "Aucun animal n'a été maltraité pour les besoins du tournage du film . Les scènes de massacrés ont été reconstituées.” 2013-03-18 22:58

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Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.