Salvation has nothing to do with religion

Webster 2022-03-25 09:01:09

The story is very strong, and three strokes and five strokes are brought into the theme. Compared with Hollywood blockbusters that are often told at 2 or 3 points, the story is short and compact. The setting is in the period of the Crusades, the story of this period is very attractive in itself, coupled with the theme of the witch, accompanied by religion, faith and redemption, there is a good observability and thinking worth thinking about. It seems that belief has nothing to do with redemption and religion. The male protagonist began to join religion in order to atone for his sins, and even religious wars. In the process of taking killing as redemption, he finally felt uneasy in his conscience, so he turned his back on religion according to his own will. Of course, he There is not enough strength to fight against it. Finally, when he found out that the witch he was escorting was a demon, he fought with the demon to death. I think he was redeemed. At this time, he did not believe in religion, but he couldn't get rid of the demon corresponding to the religion. struggle. Religion is a very conscious thing. Whether you believe it or not, you must pursue your own heart. This may be what religion does for us.

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Season of the Witch quotes

  • Kay: Honor is not a thing to be dismissed or forgotten.

  • [after Felson and Behmen are thrown into jail]

    Felson: What they do with deserters anyway?... Hang them?...

    [deeply in thoughts]

    Felson: Burn them?

    Behmen: Probably both.