he is a liar

Angel 2022-03-23 09:02:17

When I knew that he was still the writer and director of the show, I almost felt that I had fallen in love with him, so I frantically searched for other videos, and saw one of his talk shows, I found that he is very popular, people love him, I I thought that liking him was a very small thing, maybe only in China. And the boss is a slap in the face. Look at the arrangements he designed in advance for serving wine glasses, eating grapes, etc. to control the rhythm.
After that, I unfortunately found out that the boss is married and has children. How normal. The happy life of ordinary people, he is a liar, he said it well in the play, those people who smoke and drink are smart and charming, and so on, these are all lies, right?

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Black Books quotes

  • Bernard: [selling a book] Enjoy. It's dreadful, but it's quite short.

  • Bernard: Whores will have their trinkets.

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