Doubt + bug + once again complaining about the translation of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television

Jalyn 2022-03-23 09:02:27

Think of where to say where, many points I think can not be explained by science.

For example, gravity, how to completely suspend the two people, first of all, the weight is different, assuming that the male subject is heavier than the female protagonist, then the suspension of the two is always in the next session. The subsequent series of problems, please explain the physics experts.

Then the hostess spit out that I was pregnant, and instantly felt weak. Hahahaha, what god position can overcome gravity to mate. Whether the child they gave birth to is the last or the next, or the suspension and neutrality. Is there going to be a sequel?

It can be seen that there are many omissions in the pregnancy, but most of the remaining plots are nothing more than the twists and turns of the male Diaosi and Bai Fumei, and the male Diaosi pursues them. Okay. It makes me shy. . . . .

There is a bug that when the two first met in a coffee shop, the male protagonist introduced himself as paul xxxx, and the female protagonist even shouted adam while talking. . . .

I have to complain about the translation of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, not to mention many inappropriate translations, and even translating the wrong plot in such an obvious context is a bit too much. A few days ago, I also found this kind of problem when I watched Les Miserables. It is recommended to use the subtitle group translation, which is really great, or you can translate it for me! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

In short, Diaosi under the big frame counterattacks Bai Fumei, the story structure is very good, but the two people are floating up and down, which makes me a little confused. In fact, it is no different from the Time Planning Bureau. Manhattan and Brooklyn, the capitalist aristocracy and the diaosi poor, exchange time and wealth, but each has a crushing agency for macro-control. In the end, both films broke through the system, the uprising was successful, and the gap between the rich and the poor gradually narrowed.

Besides, what else is there besides my goddess?

ps The goddess is in great shape! ! ! Please follow! ! ! !

Tucao before the next film, the portman in miss dior is so beautiful, be sure to buy a bottle! ! ! ! ! !

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Upside Down quotes

  • Adam: Up-top, they always win, And down-below, we always fail.

  • Bob Boruchowitz: We're 90 percent water, right? So I've combined upper and lower inversion with a hyper infusion, yeah? Yeah.