Garbo is the soul of this film

Ludwig 2022-03-23 09:02:47

The biggest highlight of the film is the contrast between the pain of Garbo when he is lonely and the hope and happiness in life after he gets love. The female typist begins to feel pretty, but she can give up everything for money. Although I am not a saint, maybe I will always be in my heart. Keeping an obsession, terminally ill petite, showing love to the female typist right after the death of the baron, not to mention the cold blood of the entrepreneur, not to mention the sophistication of these people are very real people are forgotten immediately after death, maybe I'm 25 years older, I'm already Unable to bear this sad ending, I began to compromise to a happy and happy reunion

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Grand Hotel quotes

  • Grusinskaya: Can you imagine a hundred girls in the ballet school, each thinking she would become the most famous dancer in all the world? I was ambitious then. We were drilled like little soldiers. No rest, no stopping. I was little, slim, but hard as a diamond. Then I became famous and - But why am I telling you all this? Last night, I didn't know you at all. Who are you, really?

    Baron Felix von Geigern: What?

    Grusinskaya: I don't even know your name.

    Baron Felix von Geigern: [laughs] I am Felix Benvenuto Freihern von Geigern. My mother called me "Flix".

    Grusinskaya: [joyously] No! Flix! Oh, that's sweet. And how do you live? And what kind of a person are you?

    Baron Felix von Geigern: I'm a prodigal son, the black sheep of a white flock. I shall die on the gallows.

  • Preysing: I don't know much about women. I've been married for 28 years, you know.