This movie is not romantic at all

Sedrick 2022-03-25 09:01:15

I don't know who thought of the translation, this movie is not romantic at all, it's a dark story: a mouse broke a pot of soup, the queen drank the soup and scared to death, leaving the heartbroken king to play the piano alone; the protagonist is a resident In the basement of the rat country, the stupid and daring two hundred and fifty little mice who are illiterate and do not know how to be afraid go to the princess alone to chat up; the princess' maid is a pig girl who wants to be a princess, and she looks like a pig, and the big mouse in the soup runs away Going to the mouse country in the cellar that eats little mice, and helping the pig girl kidnap the princess... In the end, of course, the big mouse is reunited, the pig girl finds her father, and the wicked leader of the big mouse gets the end he deserves. The common people continued to drink soup and bask in the sun, only the queen could not survive.

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The Tale of Despereaux quotes

  • Narrator: Of course, destiny is a funny thing. We go out to meet it and we don't always know that we are.

  • Narrator: When your heart breaks it can grow back crooked. It grows back twisted and gnarled and hard.