
Adam 2021-10-13 13:05:35

When I was in high school, I took a set of psychological tests of social cognition. One question: If a person has a physical illness, will he feel happy? I will choose. As a result, this is the only choice in the whole set of questions that completely deviates from the correct answer. After being in the society for a few years, naturally will not be so idealized again, so if you ask me: If a person has no money, will he feel happy? I want to say-yes, but I can't. But if you ask me, if a person is rich, then he must be happy. I think I still have the guts to stand up and tell you-no. In The pursuit of happiness, the film cleverly changed these two propositions about the relationship between happiness and money, and compiled an American dream called happiness.

Since it is called The pursuit of happiness, two aspects must be involved here: what is happiness (happiness) and how to pursue happiness. The advancement of the film is very cunning. Before the audience's butt is still stable, the film throws out the concept of happiness—being a successful person and owning wealth. Then we can't tolerate us to savor whether this is absolute happiness, and the turbulent and touching process of tracing begins.

It is true that this is an aspiring movie with excellent storytelling and artistic quality. Chris's positive attitude towards the world and his perseverance in the face of difficulties made me believe that the enthusiasm not to be destroyed by the indifference of the world is a noble sentiment. After experiencing everything, in the church, when black poets sang with a deep voice:

Lord, don't move that mountain.
But give me strength to climb it.
Please don't move that stumbling block.
But lead me, Lord , around it.

The tears flowing from those painful and perplexed faces all flooded into my eyes.

But after this moved, I still have to ask, the values ​​of mainstream society in the film—earning a lot of money, living in a mansion, and watching rugby games in private boxes, are really the happiness we seek? The earliest appearance of the proposition of "money is happiness" was when Chris saw "white-collar workers" and "successful people" coming in and out under an office building. He said: Why are they always laughing and why they are so happy. Then he decided to pursue this "happiness". However, this scene similar to the advertisement of Colgate toothpaste itself is very false. Let's not talk about the United States, let's just say that standing under any office building in Beijing for an hour, can you see a few such smiling faces again? And this difference shouldn't be because the ratio of RMB to USD is 7.2:1. The film was subtitled at the end. In 2006, Chris Gardner sold a minority stake in his brokerage firm in a multi-million dollar deal. That means he is now a millionaire, but I really want to know if Christopher is happy now In childhood, did Linda who went to NY come back to reunite with them? But it seems that the director does not think these belong to the category of happiness we are talking about.

In addition, some people say that the touching thing about this film is that it tells the story of how an "ordinary person" succeeded. But I don’t think Chris is ordinary at all: he puts together all six sides of the Rubik’s Cube at once, and a university mathematics professor needs 30 minutes; he can run on the crowded streets of San Francisco for an hour, Even if he was hit by a car, he was safe and sound; he was able to study without sleeping for several consecutive nights, handed in papers much earlier than others, and won the first place; his eloquence won the favor of the interviewer at once. So no matter how you look at it, Chris is an "ordinary person" with excellent intelligence, physical strength, and endurance. It really makes me admire.

So instead of thinking about the name of this movie, I think The pursuit of happiness is not good enough, but the title of Will Smith (starring Chris)'s 2007 new work is more appropriate-I am a legend...

(The comment is a bit harsh. The pursuit of happiness is still a good movie worth watching.)

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Extended Reading

The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."