Did you kiss that birthmark?

Immanuel 2022-09-30 01:14:34

It's easy to be happy now, and you can find laughter in everything. Will definitely avoid pain and sorrow far away. I don't know if it's the time when "at the age of 23, you find that no matter what kind of relationship you encounter, you will move your body farther away".

She betrayed but she's a good person

My only advantage is probably not betrayal

life and movies are different, but I know that I defer to the public's tinted glasses a lot of times, it kills the goodness.

Three promises, don't say too much ...I don't believe in love. . .

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Extended Reading

The End of the Affair quotes

  • Sarah: Are you on a new book?

    Maurice Bendrix: Of course.

    Sarah: It's not about us, is it? The one you threatened to write?

    Maurice Bendrix: A book takes a year to write. It's too hard work for revenge.

    Sarah: If only you knew how little you had to revenge.

    Maurice Bendrix: I'm joking. We are adults. We knew it had to end some time. Now we can have lunch and talk about your husband.

  • Maurice Bendrix: You have to understand. I'm jealous of everything that moves. I'm jealous of the rain!