Really sad truth!

Nannie 2022-10-15 07:51:25

Real sad truth!
Colombia is a small country that is naturally comfortable but underdeveloped.
New York is a big city full of opportunities.

I happen to have been to both places.

Because of the special reasons of work, the story of the girl in the movie
I deeply
feel sad for them
. Colombian girls may have been close to me
maybe once, maybe we once said hello and talked
and drank cafe con leche together and went to feria de Flores together
maybe now I
have some connection with one of them because of my work

youth The beautiful Colombian girls Maria and Lucy
are just like the countless Latin beauties I have seen in Colombia. They
have the beauty that most women in other countries envy,
but they live a life of poverty and loneliness that cannot be changed for generations

. Few Colombian movies,
including those that can be seen in China and those that are only shown locally,
are all touched by their authenticity,
no superman monsters, no super fights, no drag racing, no undead knights,
most of the energy is spent on storytelling,
good storytelling is Columbia The biggest advantage of the movie is
Colombia, the warm sunshine, the beautiful scenery
or the hot or melodious Latin music
. It tells the world one by one and tells the world a story
. Tell the world a real
. The distant countries where I have lived are endlessly longing and affectionate

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Maria Full of Grace quotes

  • María Álvarez: I think I'm pregnant

    Juan: You want to get married?

    María Álvarez: Do you love me?

    Juan: [annoyed] Don't start on that.

    María Álvarez: [mad] You're going to marry someone you don't love?

  • María Álvarez: How many times have you done this?

    Lucy Díaz: Two.

    María Álvarez: How did it go?

    Lucy Díaz: Here I am.