Oscar + Golden Globe Awards

Santino 2022-03-23 09:02:12

On the surface, the whole film looks a little ridiculous. The father's derailment was smashed by his daughter. The daughter's incestuous love came from her biological brother. The mother's accidental encounter was bumped by her father-in-law. A few farces, the situation is embarrassing.
In the story, a 37-year-old widow longs for a man but treats love with indifference. Her charming eyes, playful white hair, sometimes rational and sometimes emotional. The boiler worker with a broken hand thought that his love had been sealed, but was fascinated by his prospective sister-in-law. A 70-year-old woman who was betrayed by her husband, guarding an empty room, was dignified and lonely. The old couple who are constantly arguing in their adolescent love, flirting playfully...
They looked up in the dark and saw the full moon as white as a newborn. At that moment, it was as if a mysterious liquid flowed into everyone's heart, every Everyone has become a baby, and his eyes are pure and bright.
Everything is possible in life, but the moon always hangs in the night sky, as bright as the first encounter.
It's a slightly absurd, but romantic, messed-up movie. Oscar + Golden Globes in hand.
I don't understand it very well, I need to do my homework.

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Moonstruck quotes

  • Cosmo Castorini: Birds fly to the stars - I guess...

  • Mona: You have such a head for knowing!