Facing the blue sky with a slight smile

Richie 2022-03-23 09:02:14

From childhood to adulthood, different characters taught me to have hope in life, little tadpoles, crows, pony, Lu Xun, Han Han, friends, strangers... Different characters tell their own stories, and I like to listen to other people's stories.
After watching a lot of good foreign language films, I know that every character in the film is not as simple as making a soy sauce, and is more or less implicated in the fate of Bobby. At the beginning of the film, with the movement of the camera, the dove eating the corpse, the white cross, and the cat killed by Barbie can't guess the director's intention, perhaps this indicates the misfortune in the future. At the end of the film, the first few seconds before Bobby starts the engine, it is also a dove (should be), of course, maybe because there is already a body, maybe Bobby thinks so too, he is eager to get out of fucking Arizona, But the god of death has come, and the dove is the god of death. At the drink shop, where Bobby could have taken (or stolen) the boss's money, the presence of the cat spoils his good deeds. And then, don't do anything else, just go to Jack, and then everything happened.
The car mechanic black said 'I live here, you are just passing by' three times, the last time was to buy cold drinks in Bobby, which may be a hint that Bobby will be unfortunate. The second time is when Bobby went to pick up the car with no money, which also indicates that Bobby will be unfortunate. The third time is when he kills Jack to get the money to pick up the car, which may indicate that Bobby is already unfortunate. The director's arrangement is very clever. Master Black appeared four times in total, and each time pushed the story to a climax.
On the way back from Grace's house, Jack made a request for a deal, but he didn't accept it. Although he had that thought, he was not short of money for the time being. He just hoped to leave this place as soon as possible to ensure that he would not lose his fingers again. When the finger is his hope. When the shop encountered robbers, the money in the bag was smashed by the proprietress, and the black master made things difficult for him to pick up the car. After that, he made N phone calls, but only needed 150 yuan, but all he got was NO. The hope is to get 150 yuan to get the car back, get out of here first, and then make money to pay off the debt. So, he went to the drink shop, and after emptying his hands again, he thought of that deal, and he needed that deal too. After falling in love with Grace (perhaps), of course she gave him hope, but he didn't want to and didn't need to, and had to choose to leave the town quickly. At the station, through his roar, he got the ticket to leave here. At that time, he hoped to leave by himself, even if he had nothing. Of course, he had 27 yuan and went to buy Coke (the color is not soy sauce), and met a nervous couple in the drink shop. , and hope to return to the deal with Grace again. Then, everything that should and shouldn't happened happened. There are several characters interspersed in between, I have to mention, begging philosophers (don't like to joke about the shortcomings of old people), nervous couples in drink shops. They are warning Bobby, either overtly or covertly, that there will be misfortune here, just like the black master. Maybe this town itself has the breath of death. God knows how many men Grace has hooked up with who passed by and died here. She hopes to leave the town and escape Jack, but her hopes are constantly shattered, and she is constantly hurt by hope. The weird director made him die beside Jack. Personally, Bobby still wanted to leave with Vigie before Grace killed her, and after that, he didn't want to be disappointed again (he experienced too many disappointments), and had to guard against this fate (can only think of the word) woman. As the begging philosopher said 'Have you lived so long? ', experienced N times of hope and N times of disappointment, Bobby went back to the car again, looked at the bag, looked at himself in the rearview mirror with good luck, disappointed again. Helpless, looking at the blue sky with a slight smile.

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U Turn quotes

  • Grace: [sitting on a bed, appearing as if she is about to seduce Bobby] Come here. You know what I wanna do? I wanna hang drapes...

    [gets up and walks off]

  • Jake McKenna: I got a mind to put you over my knee right now and paddle your ass raw!