Perfect 3D animation

Shaylee 2022-11-17 18:28:15

It feels like the first one 15 years ago. Although the plot is a bit old-fashioned, it also has its ups and downs and twists and turns. The rhythm is also well controlled, and it always grabs the attention of the audience. In terms of pictures, everything from the magnificent universe to the details of the firearms is well presented, and there are a few adult dew points, haha! Compared to the same type of Resident Evil or Final Fantasy, this one is more perfect. In the 3D animation genre, it's entirely possible to give five stars.

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Extended Reading

Starship Troopers: Invasion quotes

  • Carmen Ibanez: You know, if I wanted to run this much, I would have joined the mobile infantry.

  • Carmen Ibanez: How did the cannons fire? And why target our own ship?

    Hero: Jenkins tried to warn us.

    Carmen Ibanez: Carl is alive?

    Hero: Locked himself in a bug cage.

    Carmen Ibanez: And you're just now telling me this?

    Hero: Look, captain, if you're ready for a full debriefing, I'm all for it.

    Bugspray: Hero.

    Hero: Jenkins found a queen on Fort Casey. He ordered us to capture it alive.

    Carmen Ibanez: What the...?

    Ratzass: Tell her the rest, major.

    Carmen Ibanez: Yes, major. Tell me the rest of it.

    Hero: I knew trying to take the queen would result in heavy casualties. I wasn't gonna sacrifice my men for a bug hunt.

    Carmen Ibanez: So that's why he had you arrested. But he got the queen after all. Wait a minute. How the hell can a bug control a starship?

    Hero: You're gonna have to ask Jenkins that.