I'm wondering why the video site has been reluctant to publish a clear version

Webster 2022-03-23 09:01:50

I have been waiting for the clear version of this film for a long time. For a long time, the website is full of gun version. I am depressed about this one, but after watching it, I understand. It is wise for the editor to ignore this film, yes Rational, logical, and conscientious....

When I saw 4 in the biochemical series, I felt like I was going to be exhausted. I also watched 5 with this suspicion. I don't know if anyone has the same feeling: see the title When I played the urine sample that Jia Ami kept explaining and explaining, I felt that the film was basically useless, and the biggest doubt when watching the whole film was how such a limit plot can pull so many special effects. Maybe it's another way. As said in a film review, the director felt that it was a big deal for his wife to have a job.

The poor patchwork is what I feel about this film. The plot is designed to have no intention of deja vu, and it is more like a video of a few otaku getting together in an obscene image. As for the actors, my God! Oh my God! In the first few episodes, the dead and the dead came, and when Li Bingbing appeared... I admit that I covered my eyes with my arms, and I won't go into details. The most depressing thing is the monsters, everyone is acquaintances, I thought that my thoughts that were still like water would accompany the movie until eternity, but I didn't expect that the last scene flying in the sky touched the ripples in my heart, what is that? who is he? where is he from? ...big C with wings and mouthparts...StarCraft? ? ?

Of course, it may be because I still have expectations for the biochemical series that I am disappointed. I advise those who haven't watched this movie to stop watching it, and those who have been determined to watch it, let's wait for the sixth episode together... .

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Resident Evil: Retribution quotes

  • Alice: [holds knife at Ada's throat] Don't.

    Ada Wong: My name is...

    Alice: Ada Wong. Operative for the Umbrella Corporation, one of Albert Wesker's top agents. I know exactly who and what you are. Now the real question is: Why don't I just cancel your contract right now?

    Ada Wong: I don't work for Umbrella anymore, and neither does Albert Wesker.

    Alice: I don't care.

    [Wesker's image appears on a display window]

    Albert Wesker: You can kill her if you like, but then you'll never get out of this place.

  • Ada Wong: I executed everyone in this control room. I enabled Wesker to hack the mainframe. We shut down the security systems. We let you out of that cell.

    Albert Wesker: We need to get you out of this facility.

    Alice: So why do you want to help me?

    Albert Wesker: We need you. The human race faces extinction. Our only hope for survival is for us to work together.

    Alice: I'm not going anywhere until I know where we are and what the hell is going on here.

    Albert Wesker: You're in the Prime Umbrella testing facility.

    Alice: Explain Tokyo.

    Albert Wesker: What you saw was just a detailed re-creation, nothing more. It goes on for a few city blocks. That's all.

    Alice: I was outside.

    Ada Wong: Were you? Saw the sky, did you?

    Alice: It was night.

    Ada Wong: Stars? The moon?

    Albert Wesker: The testing floor is 300 feet high, the ceiling black. It's usually night in there. But isn't that when the monsters come out anyway?