
Ron 2022-03-23 09:02:14

"This is a good day..." The relaxed and playful singing sounded, and under the golden sunshine, a red Mustang sports car galloped freely in the desert, raising waves of yellow sand... Everything makes people so Comfort, this is the moment that all men yearn for. But I have to remind you that eternal hell is ahead, and there is no turning back.

A movie that nakedly shows the dark side of human nature, combining elements of suspense, western, pornography, dark humor, etc., so people can't help but applaud for its wonderfulness despite being desperate after watching it. There are so many big names in this film, which is dizzying. Although the characters are set so abruptly that people can't recognize them at all, the actors perform extremely wonderfully.

cool? dirty? It can satisfy you. After watching the movie, you will feel that Director Stone did not bring any burdens, and presented you another excellent entertainment in one go and happily.

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U Turn quotes

  • Grace: [sitting on a bed, appearing as if she is about to seduce Bobby] Come here. You know what I wanna do? I wanna hang drapes...

    [gets up and walks off]

  • Jake McKenna: I got a mind to put you over my knee right now and paddle your ass raw!