Sun Tzu said: Soldiers, the great affairs of the country, the place of life and death, the way of life and death, must not be overlooked.
After all, World War II is actually a game between great powers. The new hegemon is eager to replace the old hegemon and fight each other for land, resources, and population. China's Spring and Autumn and Warring States melees have a similar trajectory.
In Europe, there is no doubt a melee between Germany, the Soviet Union and Britain and France. In the end, all three were lost, so after the war the Soviet Union frantically plundered resources and factory machinery from Germany and Eastern Europe to repair its own industry.
The United States is actually the biggest boss with the deepest hidden. No matter Japan, Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and Germany are inseparable from the arms and raw materials of the United States. Sitting on the two vast moats of the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, only let Japan punch at Pearl Harbor.
Personally, I secretly believe that the entry of the United States into the war was the biggest turning point in World War II. Once the war machine was activated, the entire war situation in Europe and the war situation in the Pacific changed color.
No matter what kind of war, there is no division of justice. Everyone is just robbers under different banners, vying for the best interests of themselves. In the name of socialism, the Soviet Union did bad things and filthy behaviors that were comparable to, or even greatly surpassed by, the Nazis. In Germany, the main reason is that the massacre of Jews went too far. It only recognized the superiority of its own nation, but did not unite with other nations, and did not reflect the inclusiveness of the nation. This is one of the reasons why Germany did not eventually dominate Europe.
Germany and Japan ultimately failed, I think for these reasons. First, the territory of China, the opponent of the Soviet Union, is too vast, its vast depth is enough to withstand the initial defeat, and its huge territory and people can provide a steady stream of power for resistance. Second, the support of Western countries (especially the United States) to the Soviet Union and China, and the abundant support of the United States from arms to food, enabled China and the Soviet Union to hold Germany and Japan firmly on the battlefield, winning time for the final counterattack. .
Finally, I would like to say that the war is too cruel, and the bloodshed is uncomfortable to watch. I hope peace will live on in the world forever.
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