please give me eight minutes

Alexandria 2022-03-24 09:01:59

This summer, my great-grandfather passed away. When I first heard the news, even though I was well prepared, I still didn't want to believe it. Until the last time I saw him, I thought he was asleep. It seemed that when the sun rose the next day, he would wake up and start his day. However, he did leave, otherwise grandma would not have said to me so sadly that she is now an adult without parents, and my father would not recall the jujube tree that used to be planted in front of my great-grandfather's door. A lot of fruit, even I began to think of a few years ago when he accompanied me up the mountain to pick oranges. It turned out that he would never come back. And we talk about him a lot to remind ourselves not to forget, or to prolong our time with him? And how long can we prolong this time? "If the sun is going to explode, you will have 8 full minutes before you find out. That's the time it takes for the light to go from the sun to us. In 8 minutes, the world will still be bright and warm," Oscar said. The 8-minute theory that came out almost suffocated me. In this world, there is probably nothing more cruel than parting from life and death. In such a helpless situation, people will choose to close themselves and try to forget those unbearable past events, as if some of them never happened. Oscar in the film never walked into his father's wardrobe in the year after his father's death. He didn't take the subway, he didn't take the elevator, but he was only a bridge. Way? He was just unable or unwilling to get out of the cage set for himself, because in this cage, he could prolong the time with his father. By chance, Oscar found an envelope with "Black" written on it in his father's vase with a key inside. He thought it was a search clue left by his father, and the long search began. He walked through the five boroughs of New York, found more than 400 people named Blake, photographed them, told them his stories, and shared their... However, the result was disappointing. After digging through the cocoon, I found that the lock I painstakingly searched for was nothing but the redemption of others. When Oscar was running down the street like crazy and roaring, I knew that the 8 minutes he wanted to extend was coming to an end. Perhaps his once escape and paranoia was a way of self-protection and guilt relief, but it wasn't for long. No matter how hard he tried to extend the 8 minutes, the father would never come back. Instead of living in grief and guilt, it is better to open your eyes, raise your head, and look directly at the world. In the end, Oscar finally sat on the swing, swinging himself high again and again, he has not only done "what he can't do", but also relieved himself. The end of the search doesn't mean he can no longer be with his father, on the contrary, he has a better way to connect with him. He finally had the courage to do what his father did, and he could even feel the joy of his father. Then, the father can live in his heart forever. My 8 minutes with my great-grandfather may have come to an end, but I still vividly remember the scene of our last chat, and the warmth of his laying eggs in my arms after a visit a long time ago. Although we cannot prolong our lives, we can preserve our memories. Because people who live in the memory of others never really die.

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Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close quotes

  • Oskar Schell: I'm sure people tell you this constantly, but if you look under "incredibly beautiful" in the dictionary, there's a picture of you.

  • Abby Black: You must think this is very odd.

    Oskar Schell: Oh, I think a lot of things are odd. People tell me I'm very odd all the time.