If I could, I would watch it every day

Eusebio 2022-11-15 06:51:38

Everyone has their own taste. I don't agree with what the owner said.

It's the only disaster movie I've watched no less than five times.

Titanic is a good movie, but I have no desire to watch it more.

As for the Poseidon, I watched it a few years ago, and now, I still have a fresh memory, and I couldn't help but watch it again today.

I like that he simply talks about disasters, and I like simple films that do not need to reflect on this or that.

What do we need to reflect on?

natural disaster?

That's a big subject. Some people may say that we should start from everyone and protect the environment or something.

However, in fact, since the moment of existence, nature has been constantly moving in various ways, and it is also because of what we now call various disasters that we humans appear.

Uh, far away.

In fact, what I want to say is that this is a very good film.

Its plot moves people's hearts, and the characters portrayed are distinct.

Dylan's perseverance and wisdom, the sensibleness of the little boy Connor, and the bravery of the boy's mother. . .

All the people who escaped are actually very considerate, but when there is only one choice, it is really not easy to give up decisively. . . . I wouldn't think how cruel it was for Dylan to let the old man kick the waiter off. . . Although it's kind of cruel. . .

Also, did anyone notice the grandeur of the background music?

Let’s talk so much for now, hehe, I’ll improve it next time.

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Extended Reading

Poseidon quotes

  • Dylan Johns: [after the ship is capsized, to Robert when he asks to go to the ballroom] You suddenly have the urge to go dancing?

  • Dylan Johns: Does your husband...

    Maggie James: oh, does that work much?

    Dylan Johns: What?

    Maggie James: The tentative mention of a husband I'm supposed to correct, even though you clocked my wedding finger twice already.