Just because the director is a woman

Antonio 2022-03-23 09:03:10

After watching it several times, I wondered what the director was trying to say? I was thinking about whether the director was a man or a woman, but the director turned out to be a woman. The director himself appeared in the film. It was a female professor who loved the plane tree. The female professor's family arrangement was very good. It has a feminist color, but the background of the professor is relatively vague, and it only reflects the idea of ​​​​sympathizing with the heroine. Maybe only a woman can have such a sympathetic heart to make a fuss about a homeless girl, and it is estimated that the male lead will not. , In fact, what do you want to say about this film? The theme of the film is not ruthless and clear, with the sensibility of many women, is it to say that love is unreliable? Or do people always have to have a home or want to say that life should be free? In fact, I think from a woman's point of view, it is almost a matter of marriage, that is, a sense of belonging. It is estimated that the female director thinks that a woman is destined to die if she can't find a home, and she is destined to wander if she can't find love, and she will be world-weary and despair. In fact, it is pessimistic, okay, and the ending is destined to be sad. In the play, the dead plane trees, the desolate cello accompaniment, the tents in the cold wind, and desolation are everywhere. I wonder if women are born with a talent for pessimism? A pessimistic mood is destined to meet pessimism, and it is destined to pay the price for pessimism, so after I was injured, I decided to be optimistic!
The main point of this film is actually to say that what the heroine really wants is the most extravagant thing in the world_Love, the shepherd said that she only lives in a book, so really, does love exist in reality? Money can't buy true love! Moreover, the heroine is not willing to pay, so she is destined to not get true love!
I used to be as cynical as she was, I didn't want anything, I just wanted to find true love for a long time To have a habitat, there must always be a foothold. Always cherish your own, you can't talk on paper, write articles, act in movies, sigh and say love Creation, why did this woman give up on herself and have no self-motivation at all? I think it's mainly about having the idea of ​​getting something for nothing, that true love needs to be achieved together, not running away after smoking weed, and slipping away after eating cheese. How can this idea of ​​leaving after taking other people's things make others truly accept her?
This woman's view of the world is too simple. It may have something to do with her previous experience. I guess she may have done a lot of unacceptable things before, so she gave up on herself. In fact, she didn't understand the social rules at all. There are rules for everything. Knowing is winning. In society, this woman completely isolates herself, thinking that as long as she has enough to eat, it is OK as long as she does not starve to death? Her thoughts are too ignorant. Living alone is not enough in a group. Dedication or leadership is also required. Thinking of her self-sacrificing attitude, will others accept her in the team? Obviously she's a drag, everyone must hate her, at least her attitude is very negative, people like to be close to positive people, they also like a progressive life, and they like creative thinking, this woman is negative and difficult to figure out, so the crowd must be frustrated !
And because she herself is negative, this woman always puts her hopes on others. She tries to live when she finds a good man, and she just lets herself go. It seems that she has no hope for life. It will grow old, and the backers will fall. If you want to be loved by others, you must first give love to others. Do you still ask for music to be played when you take someone else's car? How can a beggar have so much marijuana to smoke, how can a trimmer give you a safe place to live? The shepherd provides him with a place to live, but you can't do nothing. If you want to get it, you have to give it yourself, whether it's flattering or working hard. It's a pity that this woman won't flatter, she thinks that Very tired, maybe she still doesn't know the benefits of flattery, but it's a pity that Xiang Xiaoyu died so young, a bit like Lin Daiyu, not human fireworks. If you want to survive, you have to adapt, not escape. The shepherd said it well. Those who escape are either dead or disabled, which is actually quite funny. Sometimes flattery is just giving. Of course, you have to pay to have a return. If you give you land, you don't plant it, and if you give you a shepherd, you don't raise it? What else do you want to do? Unless you just want to die. Therefore, Ji identified that this woman was young. This woman doesn't want to give, she just wants to get, so sad! Sometimes, people live with an attitude, you have a correct attitude, all problems are solved!

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  • les Bergers: She blew in like the wind. No plans, no goals... No wishes, no wants... We suggested things to her. She didn't want to do a thing. Wandering? That's withering. By proving she's useless, she helps a system she rejects. It's not wandering, it's withering.