peaceful love

Alana 2022-03-23 09:03:22

It's been a long time since I've seen such a movie that can make people watch calmly but burst into tears. . . . . .

The screenwriter didn't give people such obvious coincidences, which made people feel like it would be like this next time. Before I could think of what to do next, the screenwriter directly gave me a scene that surprised me. . . . . . Admire the screenwriter. . . . . . I also admire the screenwriter's grasp of human nature. There is a sense that everything is within human nature, understandable and acceptable, without any exaggeration. . . . . . .

My moving points:

1. The university professor told Charlotte's mother what he heard when he was a child about Eid al-Adha in Islam.
He said: 'In order to show his devotion to Allah, the saint was about to slaughter his own son, but Allah was moved by the saint's devotion, the sword became dull, and a sheep was given to replace his son's death. . . . . . '
He was very afraid of this story when he was very young, and he was always afraid that one day his father would slaughter him religiously. . . . . . He finally asked his dad that question. . . .
His father's answer was: "Even if I go against Allah, I will protect you."

He suddenly realized his father's love and went back to find his father. . . . . .

Crying, I like to look back and ask after crying, "Why did I cry?" I heard that I can hear my heart. . . . . . The answer in my heart is: this value is the same as mine, for the sake of the people I care about, I will play that role, protect the people I care about, and play that role with a smile on my face. . . . . . . .

2. Charlotte's mother went to see Ite in prison, Ite said "sorry" hard, but Charlotte's mother said "listen, I want to help you, this is my daughter's wish, you say what you need I'll help you, anything will do!!!!" Yite was also moved, changed his wrongdoing, and no longer cared about being scolded as a traitor and spitting on him. With sunshine in his heart, he could face these things calmly like this, without caring about it, and being generous The smile on his face is so beautiful, you can really use that idiom to fill the smile with sunshine. . . . . . . .

To love, just do the things that the loved one wishes, and do the unfinished things for the loved one, which is one of the things that I think is happy. . . . . . . sustenance, sustenance can hold up a lot of things! ! ! ! ! ! !

To sum up, (the writing is a little tired), Aiwei is giving without asking, Aiwei is in Aiwujiwu, Aiwei has a dazzling smile like sunshine in the face of suffering even though he is suffering! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Extended Reading

The Edge of Heaven quotes

  • story: After telling the story of Abraham that was willing to sacrifice his son, Ismael, to show God his obedience. Before Abraham could slay his son God sent a lamb to sacrifice instead.

    Nejat Aksu: I asked my dad if he would have sacrificed me as well.

    Susanne Staub: And what did he say?

    Nejat Aksu: That he would even make an enemy of God to protect me.