The journey will not solve the problem, the problem is still there, it only changes our hearts!

Edmond 2022-03-23 09:03:24

Learned that his son died on the pilgrimage. The father then decided to bring his son back himself. (The beginning is a bit sad)

When this father came to France and saw his son's house: the morgue, what kind of mood was that?

When I saw my son's diary, I decided to take this pilgrimage by myself.

There will be many unpleasant things during the journey, and of course there will be many happy moments, such as having dinner together and breaking through difficulties together.

When they stayed in a luxury hotel together, they washed away the dust and fatigue of the journey, and they came to Tom's room one after another, drinking and chatting together, which was really nice.

In the movie, the beautiful music and the beautiful scenery always touch me. Let me dream of traveling and breaking through myself.

Yesterday, I saw a film review saying that the journey will not solve the problem, the problem is still there, only our hearts have changed!

This way, there is no turning back. You can only muster up the courage to go on until the day when you can finally stop caring about the questions and answers. That is the day when the knot of the heart is unraveled,

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Extended Reading

The Way quotes

  • Tom: [Receives news of his son] Daniel? What happened to Daniel?

  • Sarah: Everything alright?

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