special world

Marques 2022-03-23 09:03:09

New wave cadres say: Everyone loves Bresson!
The movie is divided into two parts, one is to watch and the other is to shoot. Get a feel for what it is to see. People who like it will see the emotions that touch them from the inside. Everyone is different, and the subtle differences can only be experienced by yourself.
And how to shoot will be more mysterious. We can take every shot apart, even the actor's position, demeanor, set, lighting, camera movement...everything can be replicated, and every shot doesn't look too difficult. But it's these simple shots that make for a great movie.
Perhaps the real difficulty is how to see the world with eyes. Everyone in life has their own story. The director should look at the world with his own eyes and heart, and then extract what he thinks is the most meaningful to show. Using his own logic, put these pieces together.
Bresson has always emphasized film writing. Cameras, "models" (he doesn't like to be called "actors")... are tools for his writing. Say the motto in simple language. Like his movie diaries.
The more concise something is, the more infinite it can show.
Maybe Bresson's film is not just about studying his shots, but also reading the original, and then thinking about why he made it this way. What kind of thinking and vision is that to look at the world?
Off topic. Bresson made such films, but his films made money. because of low cost. If you want to make a good movie at a low cost, you need to see a unique world.

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Mouchette quotes

  • Arsène: I've said too much or too little. I have to go all the way.

  • Arsène: Even stone drunk, I keep a clear head.