Do you want your old life back

Winifred 2022-03-23 09:02:22

. . . I actually write a long review for a movie that hits 3★ _( : < 丿∠)_
( ̄﹏ ̄m) It’s not because of embarrassment that I don’t even know how to watch this movie. . .

The following is a summary of the whole spoiler = =
After watching, please read as appropriate

---------Okay, this is the dividing line of the following text---------

How to say
it at the beginning of the opening It's been breaking down
because I know that it must be a tragedy after a moment of happiness on the surface, but the fireflies
are really beautiful

. The accident with two deaths and two injuries
can't take the elevator.
Ordinary people are not as good
, but life still has to go on.
At least he is trying to continue to

participate in rehabilitation training classes to practice storytelling
- although he can only
learn to cook from the end of the blind roommate he met in the mutual aid class
- although there are Makes a mess
from time to time Working on the night shift at the bank while practicing the front desk job
- even though the manager doesn't believe he can do a
good job of listening to ice hockey and reminding himself of his old self
- though only with those cleaning props The

small details of the simulation pieced together the life before the accident. The
family was well-educated and the medals in the room showed the glory of the past,
as well as a happy sister and a successful brother.
Those seem to be to contrast with his present Sometimes
I can't express myself correctly. I have to rely on a small notebook to write down all the things I will forget. I
live in a rented house I don't want my family to see. I do a job that I don't want to tell my family.

After all, there is still a sense of gap,
so someone will take advantage of the situation and
pretend to be a friend to tempt him Do you want your old life back?

It's almost going to fall farther
, but at the last moment, those inadvertent little warmth constitutes the reason to turn back in a
hurry. When I called a blind friend, he said I messed up. The friend said do n't
worry about whatever you messed up, I'll clean it up
. A guy with a serious head injury really can properly calm down when a gun is pointed at the head in a heist that he was planned to be involved in. After a series of bang bang bang he drove full of money The car escaped and drove on Road 24 in the dark again. Those lost memories broke out silently in an instant (555 囧囧's performance was amazing QAQ ((↑ Finally, I still couldn't help being crazy, but the handling from this point on It's hard to understand a few places where you can turn the ending, but each of them chose the one that allows the plot to develop in a subtle way. It feels a bit uh... cumbersome? Well, but the shotgun headshot at the end is quite good - I used to be very good at it. Those who have experienced hunting horses will always leave traces, maybe the brain has forgotten, but the memory of the body still remains , whether it is the previous glory or the downfall after the big turning point, those who have experienced will always bubble up when they are inadvertently. Come out or be heartbreaking or be gentle and calm

I Wake up in the morning;
Take a shower with soap;
And try to forgive myself.
If I can do that, then maybe others will forgive me too.

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Extended Reading

The Lookout quotes

  • Lewis: What do you call a mushroom that walks into a bar and buys everyone a drink?

    Chris Pratt: I don't know.

    Lewis: A fungi.

  • Gary Spargo: Damn! And I thought I was good looking.

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