Finding the right person is more important than anything else

Garfield 2022-03-23 09:02:24

About half of the movie started, I still didn't know the relationship between the characters. Except for Albert, the other lords and so on, I still couldn't distinguish clearly. At this time, I really understood the feeling of "look at foreigners all look the same".
The attractive part of the movie was not played until the last half hour. Although in fact, Victoria and Albert did not get married for three years, but after reading a long paragraph before, I felt that the two were too fast together. , I can't help but wonder what the film focuses on?
It is almost impossible for a woman with supreme power to live the life she wants, but in love, Victoria is so lucky. However, from Albert's point of view, it wasn't because he came to Victoria's side under enormous pressure. He and she met in early 1836, both 17 years old, as different as they were. Victoria, then still a tightly controlled princess, came from a Hanoverian dynasty known for its uncultured and quarrelsome manners, and inherited her family's traits: stubbornness and impatience. She was very assertive, but had little education. Albert was a model of virtue, talent and self-discipline, the exact opposite of his father, the Duke of Coburg, and his brother, Ernest. He was intelligent and had an excellent education in language, culture, philosophy, music, and everything else that an ideal prince should learn. The 17-year-old Albert is proud and conceited. Although he knows he has been engaged to Victoria since he was a child, his attitude towards her is indifferent and even contemptuous.
It is truly a miracle that two people can come together like this.
I couldn't help crying when I saw the part where Albert blocked the bullet for her. This kind of hero saving beauty can always make people (at least me) moved by it. I even couldn't help but feel for Albert in my heart 's choice explained, because she is the queen and is irreplaceable, but he is not the same, for the whole of England, he is even insignificant. But for Victoria, he is irreplaceable!
When Victoria asked him why he did it, he looked at her and said calmly but affectionately: "I have two very good reasons. First, I'm replaceable, and you are not."
She couldn't wait to correct him: "You are not replaceable to me."
He continued: "Second, you are the only wife i've got and ever will have , you are my whole existence, and i will love you until my last breath."
Even if a woman has power, it does not mean that she must give up love, the best ending should be like them, find a person who loves deeply, give him everything you have, love and trust , If this man can also be wise and loyal at the same time, then giving him power will only make both people's lives happier.

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The Young Victoria quotes

  • Duchess of Sutherland: Look at that demure little head. And all of us wondering what's inside it.

    Lord Melbourne: We'll find out soon enough.

  • Princess Victoria: [to her mother] Oh, and if you think that I will ever forget that you stood by silent and watched him treat me thus, you are dreaming!