the sweet story of love, not just teenage love

Abby 2022-12-23 09:23:59

Yes, we will all end in the same way when death knocks on the door, but life is about what we've been going through not the immortality. It is the process that matters, the laughter, the experience, the tears, the feelings of love, life, dream and everything...

Although it's a small and fresh movie, it's particularly touching. There are some scenes that make my memory relive When I'm nervous, I can't help but observe how he sleeps in the morning. It's very cute. He wraps himself tightly like a dumpling. I don't know if he also looked at me that day. I

always want boys to confess . An invisible person is like a cute hero in a movie. In fact, he fell in love with her at first sight, but he also hoped that the heroine would make a statement first. On Valentine's Day, the heroine is probably too unbearable. Why is he not like an ordinary boy? Confess and act bravely, so I comfort myself and say that they are probably best

friends Later, I experienced emotional

torment . I was isolated from the world for a time. Finally, I finally realized the essence of life. I started to manage my studies and love. I became positive and brave

. They have very different personalities and have few common interests. They will go in different directions in the future.

how to get by the fading of love and divergence of life

but it would be a good memory for both of them, this pure puppy love, cutting school and carefree spirit

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The Art of Getting By quotes

  • George Zinavoy: I have no idea what I'm doing here.

    Dustin: I don't think anybody does, at least you admit it.

  • Dustin: You like her... You should like her if you don't.