hey rob

Camryn 2022-03-24 09:01:58

A sneaky lunch time to complete this musical journey, the inner feedback is intricate. Being taciturn may be a sign of August's talent, but it's always difficult for me to associate him with a musical genius with clear eyes but full of mystery. Starting from the "listening" sentence pattern in the opening monologue, there is a suspicion of contriving, at least in my opinion, it is a bit contrived, not sincere, and not atmospheric enough. Old William's presence was a surprise. Anyway, I was still moved when I saw the little fur boy wielding the baton at last, but I was moved by such mass production and then unified packaging and selling at a price. I don't know how long it will last.

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Extended Reading

August Rush quotes

  • Wizard: Deal's off.

    August Rush: But Wizard, I have to play! I have to let them hear!

    Wizard: [Grabs August and throws him against the fence] You play when I say play. You breathe when I say breathe! You got that boy? You forget about your parents! They were pretty quick to forget about you!

    Wizard: [Wizard calms down a bit then continues] You do not know how precious your gift is. You're just a kid, you don't know. I do, August

  • Wizard: When I say run, you run, okay?